last night i had my first ocean swim of the summer.  there is nothing as wonderful as the pacific ocean.  i met barb at whytcliff park around 4.  it had been many a year since i had been there.  since the ysa days.  as i drove in i had flash backs of karey driving and us trying to find a parking spot and of the short beach jammed with logs.  this time parking was easy.  i found the path down and secured a picnic table for us.  not long after, barb showed up with her english kid side kick, mark.

mark went straight for the beach and barb went back up the stairs to see if she locked her car.  then we stripped to our suits (not birthday suits.  it's not that kind of beach and we're not those kinds of girls).  barb took her sweet time but i was in quite fast.  we decided to swim out to the island.  once there the seaweed and barnacle encrusted rocks deterred us from getting out so we swam back.  barb got out to check her phone and then we started swimming out to the light house which was just a bit farther than the island in parallelogram talk.  mark said he would come with his trusty log friend.  but he chickened out once barb told him about seals.  just as she said that i saw biwy by some rocks.  we made it most of the way there when the ferry passed and another big boat passed at the same time creating 'big' waves which we decided to 'ride' in.

mark and his log had stopped half way and mark got out on the rocks.  we decided to make a pit stop there.  barb got out but last minute i decided i didn't want to risk the barnacles (i almost put barbnacles lol).  so forward crawled most of the way back.

we sat at the picnic table robed in our towels and devoured barb's banana cake.  then we went up to the grassy area up top because this was barb's good luck picnic and everyone else was about to arrive.  mark skulked down below for the rest of the evening.

gab and pete, chris and ian, slack family trio, annette, and susan paulson eventually joined us.  there were lots of eats.  and lots of wasps swarming.  i had to eat standing up ready to flee at any moment.  when nikki arrived she sprinted around the area when any wasp came near. i finished eating quickly and moved my blanket away from everyone else's and declared it a no food zone.  anyways we ate and talked and so on.

by the time it was 8 i was feeling really tired.  the kind of undeniable sleepiness you get from a day in the water and sun.  so everyone else was going down to the water but i left.  and was in bed dead to the world by 10ish.

i woke up myself without the alarm this morning after a strange dream in which i was married to a married man from our ward, who turned out to be a member from work, who was talking crazy talk and i was like, oh no, i married a crazy person! we were standing on our bed eating chocolates in the shape of disney characters which were arranged on the headboard, and then back to himself talking to me seriously in pink hawaiian themed pajama pants, and then a bunch of ysa burst into our room to use the washroom and another guy from our ward started going through my husband's wife's drawer looking for something nude coloured for another lady to wear over my husband's protestations.  finally he left and the last ysa people left too.  the last one out the door was oriana and she turned and said 'bye' to me.  i called 'bye!' after her and woke up because i actually said 'bye' out loud.  doesn't get weirder than that folks.

well i have to actually go to work today.  bye man.


Beth-a-knee said…
'a day in the water and sun' perfectly describes the epitome of summer. I love such days. It's such a delicious sleepiness that you get after swimming in the ocean. Sounds like you had a fun time. And weird dream. Wonder what your sub conscience is trying to tell you?