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liar-men and heroes

i love these photos of us. i took them on the day we went to baalbek. we are sitting on the steps inside the temple of baachus which is amazingly quite intact. look at us. so beautiful--full of love and life and joy in each other. i'm missing him. i pray he's safe and well and that he finds a good place to live. is he safe? is he safe? is he safe? it rings like a bell in my head. almost 2 days without did people survive before? when letters were the fastest mode of communication? it's a kind of torture--the not knowing. we went to baalbek when we were staying in tripoli. after mohammad got permission to stay in lebanon for 15 more days, he agreed we could go. it was not easy to get to. we could hire a taxi to take us there but that was too pricey. so we went the way of the people--mini bus.  mini buses travel up and down all the highways. you stand on the side of the road and they pick you up. we had to mini bus back to beirut and then from there mini bus to b

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