you know that i know that you know that i know that you know

well i managed to sleep again at 6:30 but woke up 2 hours later to a violent coughing fit, shooting straight up in bed, tearing of the cpap mask, choking on full body rattling coughs and desperately gasping for air, and had a bleeding nose at the same time. that was a real heart thumper. thumpity thump.

after life saving oxygen was restored i felt a little rested and feeling a little rested is my jam right now. a lot rested would be even better. i then saw on staff chat that a member is getting rid of some fancy red shelves and i'm gonna take em! so that gave a lil jolt of happy. i sent a pic to mom because if there is anyone who can share in the joy of new shelves, it's mom. she was with yumi and jane and was shocked that i had run out of puffs. so she sent them with some. i put on clothes and met them outside. yumi threw them to me and i caught them. so sporty, even in my illness. it felt good to sit on the stairs in the cool damp air. jane was like "don't get too cold" i was like "this coolness is my vibe." of course it will be until it isn't. right now i have a mild case of the sweats, but i might suddenly feel cold later.

another development for those who want to know, and don't lie to me, that's everyone, my nose is so tender and sensitive right now that my glasses have become too much for it to bear. like no, touchy. so if i wear them i have to try to have the hover above my nose. wingardium leviosa!

bethany and i had a chat because i wanted her sage advice about some art. last night i saw the tote bag on the floor and i thought to myself, oh i can do art on the tote bag to occupy this restless mind. and i saw biffnukituk's tiktok where she did super fun colourful art on the cardboard she has on her window to keep it warm in her place. and i was inspired. so we chatted 'bout it. bethatintintin says you don't think, you just do and you accept what you do and work with it. i think she called it an 'imagination scape'.  ehneway, i'll give it a go.

my spirits are up. i can feel it. i've been playing music and singing on the top of my lungs. surprising that this has not dissolved into a coughing fit, but doesn't mean it won't!

one last thing. i've discovered, while applying vaseline to my cracked and chapped lips, that there is now a lump where each crack once was. you know what this means don't you? cold sore armegeddon played out on my lips. i took a super flattering pic and sent it to special people, you know who you are.


Jeannie said…
More laughs, thank you. I want to see the Bethanik cardboard.