ps.  saturday i had a considerable streak of whole-headedness which allowed me to edit photos and i finished part 1 of  the evan + esther shoot which was mostly a shoot of carmen at the temple, and carmen with each family member etc. it's her pre-mission photos. so i finished them and uploaded them and carmen obliged by posting them right away on her socials. the colour was off on the ig ones, so i was chatting to her about them and she said they were fine on fb, so i went there to look and sure enough they were and somewhere on this journey i saw the group selfie we took at the end of our day of photos and i was struck with how much my face looks like one of those shriveled apples. i have seen my future! i'm going to be a shriveled apple granny! take a look for yourself. you can see it can't you?

to see the photos of gorgeous carmen and her quirky family. go here 

k. bye.


Jeannie said…
Well that got an uncontrollable belly laugh....should be good for my health...shriveled apple haha..that will be good for many a ruminating chuckle.