prickly pear

i don't have anything to say today.  tired of feeling lousy. i don't test positive anymore so i shouldn't be contagious. i tested, was going to grab something in the bedroom, fatigue washed over me, lay down and didn't get up for many hours. my goal was to take the garbage out. but the bags are sitting by the front door still. that can be tomorrow's dream come true. i've worked on okinawa photos, i've done some tote bag painting.

i vacillate  between feeling chilled and too hot. it's a weird not normal feeling in my body. i can't describe it. prickly.

tomorrow i have to go outside. i need it. my soul is hungry.


Jeannie said…
Only good thing about being sick is to fully realize how good u feel when you are not 🤮sick 😃