endorphin coloured world

last night's windstorm blanketed our road with drifts of maple leaves. as i waded through them i wondered idly why red maple leaves are better than yellow or orange ones. i don't think they are. some of the maples on our street have dark dark burgundy leaves that brighten into orange in the fall. that's pretty special. and the giant maples further on, with mottled bark and yellow lime fall leaves. i love them. i love fall. i love being outside on a sunny fall day after a week of wretchedness in the den of disease. (that's what i named my bedroom). then i wondered if animals are resurrected, and if so what is their mission in the life to come. then i noticed a trio of tiny red berries fallen among the leaves. "that's a fall scape" i said to myself. i walked up to south arm, did a loop around the tennis courts and playground and walked home thinking many more random thoughts.

there was a sunniness in my heart and sense of well-being beaming from my being. i wish i could bask in it all day.

the crows came for their nuts. i made a tower of puzzles with take out container and lids, piled on one another and i put a few walnuts in a honey jar with a small opening. they amuse me with their antics, flying up in the air when one of them startles the other by knocking the lid off. they were rolling the honey jar around trying to get at the walnuts. eventually one of them picked it up and flew off with it. while the other one took the bottom layer of the puzzle and dropped it over the balcony. lol

i got my period yesterday which explains the week of insomnia i had during the great covid curse of 2023. this is actually the 9th period i've had in 2023 which is quite a lot for me. while all my friends get less regular i move towards more. i'm almost 50 and my body is like, ok let's have a baby. not only that but i knew my period was coming, which is something i never know. thanks to the insomnia coupled with crying about everything i now have something to say "oh that's a sign that it's about a week before my time of bloods." doesn't everyone call it their time of bloods? fatima went 5 months without having hers. she was hoping for a year and done. but our bodies like to do things their own way. also i was ready with a new brand of tampons to try this time. platex and tampex have disgusted me with their annoying applicators that do not function in a time of need. may as well get ob and use my finger as an applicator! well i didn't want to do that plus it's hard to reach, if truth be told, and i must always tell the truth about feminine hygiene products. so anyways i did some research and bought kotex click tampons. and on first usage, i am pleased. i am pleased! it just popped right into the canal like an obedient tampon. no issues. one and done. spit spat and that's that.

endorphins make everything wonderful.


Jeannie said…