early morning dreams

i had a dream that i was colleting dead leaves. and i found this hollow  of trees on the side of the road. i sat down in it and began stuffing dead leaves into my bag. everything was covered in deep drifts of tiny leaves. they rustled as i stuffed them in my bag. i pulled out a bag of sunflower seeds. this must be a squirrel's midden i said to myself. just then a snowy owl silently drifted down and perched beside me. at first i thought it was a crow, but when i looked over it was a snowy owl. it just looked at me. there must be mice here, i thought and kept filling my bag, periodically looking over to see if the owl was still beside me. it was, and i also saw a sleepy partially leaf covered raven yawning. i noticed that i too was sinking into a more reclined position but i kept stuffing the leaves and trying to hear if there were mouse squeaks around me. then i peed. and i woke up, thankfully dry but needing to pee. haha

i also had a dream that heather and i were in new york. we were trying to leave our hallway to get out to the lobby but at each end of the hall was a worker saying that we couldn't go that way. at first we kept ping ponging between them, we'd get close and they would yell "you can't go out this way! go the other way!" finally i confronted one of them and said "look how do you expect us to get out when both ways are blocked and that guy went to confront the guy at the other end and as he did heather and i saw a side way that looped around to the lobby, and quickly took it, laughing to ourselves that we outsmarted the lobby yellers, and joined the many people in the lobby and out the doors before any yeller could stop us. outside we got straight into a really old fashioned cab. it looked like it was just an open air iron frame. like a cabby-carriage-hybrid. we got it and and the cabby asked what kind of english we spoke and heather said i'll give you an example and i tuned out as she started explaining one of her favourite idioms. along the way we realized we took the sea-side cab and were glad about the adventure we were about to have. we got out to look at this huge many leveled fountain that you could climb on and that had many stairs and levels to explore. so we started doing that and i told heather i wanted a picture of her over in the certain area where it would show the perspective of the many stairs, and when we started climbing the stairs we found that they were very very shallow and slippery. "are we climbing the water fall?" i asked heather. she didn't know but we decided it was too dangerous and then looked for ways down. as i was doing that i was suddenly inside a large fashion house trying to find stairs down to the bottom level. i finally found them but they were littered with naked mannequins and i felt like i would knock them over the edge as i was going down. a lady came to assist me and i told her my hips were too wide to get past the mannequins and she said she would take them so i started down, doing a dance of shimmy and twist to get around them, or lifting them out of the way as i passed and putting them back down. as i did i noticed an imperious supervisor questioning the lady who was helping me.

dreams are weird nes pas?


Jeannie said…