euphoria and adventure

yesterday was my birthday and i rode a wave of euphoric bliss all day. i felt bursting with joy to be alive, full of love and also bobbing in a sea of love.

mom surprised me with 2 glorious hanging strawb plants on my steps.

i went for a bike ride on the dike and sat in the sun listening to birds, feeling the breeze in my hair and i even got to watch a coyote up close.

then i bought birthday cheesecakes, came home and sat in the sun and chatted with aunty elaine.

we had yummy vietnamese food for dinner,  chased by cheesecake. mine was lemon chocolate and just perfect.

now h and i are in a ratty motel in port angeles having a birthday adventure.

of note today:

1. port angeles has a weird one way paralell road thing which means we've circled the same area a hundred times already.

2. we went out to dinner. we decided o  a place, got there and found it very busy. this isn't our vibe, i told heather. we noticed a building down the road that said restaurant on it. when we opened the door it was stinky and heather almost bolted. a sign pointed us downstairs and we arrived in a swanky joint with lit candles and gold filiments hanging.  romantic, i whispered to heather, this is our vibe. our waiter sat us in the back. we were under-dressed if you know what i mean. it was a really pricey place. we both ended up ordering cheeseburgers and they ended up being huge and charbroiled and the best burger i ever had. 

i got salad dressing on my shirt.

we ate cheesecake in the car.

3. sat at the harbour at sunset. the water was glassy. we watched a seal go back and forth.  h, in h fashion wondered how well the seal could see under water in the dark.

4. i forgot my cpap!! what a dunce cap!! bought a mouth guard for 60 buckeroos. hope i get some sleep.


Jeannie said…
A delicious sun perfect birthday for a cheerful grateful adventurer. Not the most auspicious beginning to a birthday weekend but positive attitude and relentless adventurism will win out once again.