punch today in the face

in the weeds again.  every month i have hope that things will be different. every month i wade into the weeds, shimmy and make a nest.

this morning i was studying about being watchful in prayer. the promise is that if you are watchful in prayer you will be safe from temptations. as one so easily beset by temptations i thought about it. i pray morning and night.  is there a way i could be more watchful? as i was thinking about it ideas started trickling in. mostly about specific instances to be watchful in prayer. so now i have some work to do.

katie says prayer is my pet topic and maybe it is. 

i have my period and so i'd rather mot wear any bottoms a'tall. if you know you know. 

yesterday i got all cute for church but didn't go. cried instead. like i said  period.

gorge morning light. 
plant shadow. intense blue eye.

apple cider rinse and all the works this morning. 
ice on the car...-9
nose says hi
at work and ready to rumble


Jeannie said…
I remember that day