

i clicked this #moodygram on the last stretch of my once around the park walk.  i had parked the car and gone straight to the park.  as soon as i started down the path i couldn't catch my breath.  asthma, making it worse. "when will i get over this?" i thought.  "don't be embarrassed. you are working on it" i would counter. and so it went, back and forth,  why does my back hurt, how can i fix it, am i walking right, try bending your knees more,  are my glutes activated? i can't go further without resting. did that woman notice my huffingpuffing?blah blah blah. the whole time i was trying to enjoy the moody sky. then i looked up, saw this and was like "QUIET!" and took the pic. where do the voices get off anyway? pfft.


Jeannie said…
Beautiful shot