joyful planner

my groceries arrived today so naturally i had cheesies and haagen daaz for dinner. later i ate some thai bagged salad so I'm not a complete degenerate.

or am i.

i parted my hair on the side today, after my biweekly shower, and it has taken me the whole day to confirm that no, i do not like. not a fan. no thanks. 

nothing else matters except i guess it is pertinant to relay that i am so enjoying my planner--all the colours, stickers,  colours, stickers, recording of daily minutae, choosing positive quotes, checking things off. love it all. here for it.  joyful planner.

ps. why did mom do this to my hair. why. 


Jeannie said…
Why???' Because I did not know how your 40-year-old self would feel about it.
Jeannie said…
AND although you cannot imagine it if you had a little girl when she was in her 40s and look back at your hair now she would think it looked pretty ridiculous. Miss cool and Superior.