day snippets

i am doing a tie-dye social tomorrow. and i want to have different items for people to tie-dye. like sheets, socks, pants, undies! so a member and i ventured out to value village to see what we could find. it is just across the street and down a bit, so we walked. it was sunny and mild for a january afternoon. we found some interesting things but thankfully no second hand undies. we got pillow- cases, towels, sheets, tees and a pair of shorts. 

on the way back i did one of those cross the street when the red hand is blinking things causing me to rush, be out of breath and a hufflepuffleson sweaty breathy red face when we got back.


mom is starting to wear severed dish glove fingers ducttaped around her finger to protect painful nicks on the top of her finger. yesterday there was one. today the number had doubled. this is becoming alarming.

i sent sarah a video message from mom and dad in the which dad managed to sneeze 3x in the middle of his sentence and forget what he was saying, followed by a bonus sneeze during mom's message. sarah got it all.

also congratulate me for finally remembering to go to my wed night missionary council meeting. finally. thanks to my planner, mom and alexa this was possible.


i did a lil cutie braid on one side today. like using my front bangs/layers ringlet. jihyun asked me what the meaning of it. i asked him what was the meaning that his hair was swiped to the side.  he didn't know what to say. 


Jeannie said…
Glad my innovative eccentricities add dome interest to your blog.