mondays are do days

i had physio at the ungodly hour of 7am today. i was awake by 5:30 and on the road by 6:25. the drive through the tunnel was smooth like buttah. no issues.

once i got to ladner i had time to get 2 chicken mcgriddles and a medium mango smoothie.  they almost didn't give me my smoothie.  you know when you say something and they are like "ok, next window" and you are pretty sure they didn't hear you but you shrug and drive on? ya. me too.  but there was no fuss about it. the cheerful girl thrust a smoothie at me and i was on my way. no straw, so i chugged it.

carley is my new physio and i like her. today after the ultrasound we 'challenged' my ankle. this included some balancing on foamies, lunges, and bosun ball squats. i was standing on the bosun ball trying to balance and as i was falling backwards i flailed at the wall trying to get a grip on the thin trim that is chest level on the wall. that's when i saw all along that trim flecks of paint missing. i pointed it out to carley, "evidence of many people desperately clinging to this wall." she laughed and said she never thought of that before but i must be right. so since the operation it has felt like the bones in the ball of my foot is so close to the surface. i've told that to so many people and no one paid much attention. but today i mentioned it to carley. i think it might be the 3rd time i mentioned it to her.  i don't idly bring it up. it's because i'm in bare feet and some of the exercises require me to go up on the balls of my foot and it hurts because of the bones. so they ask me how it feels and i am like well it feels like i'm doing it right on the bone. well this time she actually checked and it was like a light went on. she's like "oh! this??" i was like "ya..." and she was like "oh, because they actually raised your big toe so you other ones are doesn't feel like bones, it IS bones!" i felt validated. she is going to research that. she also takes the blocked area at the front hinge of my foot and shin seriously. we are working on that scar tissue, getting movement etc.

i thought i might be late for work but i was 30 minutes early. 

today i wore my pink/turq./poip yoga pants and my hot pink sweatshirt with a high pony hair-do, and a pop of hot pink lips. new pink christmas tree socks and pink shadow! 

i was buzzing with energy this morning. when this happens i am just bubbling over with little sing songy sounds, dancing, jangling my keys, super animated talking, anything to let the energy out. it always makes my staff laugh.

full of positivity an energy, it was the perfect time to solve the design of the christmas card which had left me feeling defeated last week. and i did! i got all 75 pics on one side of the card and found a back design that i liked and a few little designing tweaks and bob's your uncle, pam's your aunt! printing and cutting commenced. i feel happy with the final product.

ma n pops beet and i had leftover sausage pasta bake for dinner. last there was a drippy soggy coleslaw with too much dressing, so i brought down my half a cabbage to shred and add to it. dad was sitting at the table and for some strange reason coveted the cabbage. i'm all too happy to help him eat veggies. his appetite has not been good lately. so anytime he wanted to steal a wedge o' cabbage he was free too. then i shredded a carrot, diced an apple, and added some of mom's "salad topper", which is seeds n craisin, i think. a whole new salad reborn. maybe a bit too dry now, but oh well. i would have added ginger and lemon zest if i had the time.

mom had 2 toasted garlic bread slices for each of us. dad gave me one of his. don't be jealous. 

we played a game of dice before dad started to get uncomfy. he won.

mom forgot to pick up dad's hydromorphone which she had the pharmacy cut in half, so i volunteered to go pick it up. while i was out i took a look at the douglas fir wreaths with pinecones and a bow mom had told me about, outside freshco. last year i had a beautiful cedar one and it was the love of my christmas decor life. i'm trying to revive/relive this love. but i haven't found the wreath yet. i also bought toilet paper. there was a near incident when i got home from work, did my daily and found there was about 6 squares of tp left.  i managed. i will not tell you how, but i did. i got us our christmas advent treats and mom's favourite president's choice chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

just to be more magical and wonderful i made two batches of salted caramel sauce. mine doesn't seem as thick as hers but i hope that changes as it cools. i have big plans for it!

so i don't want to brag but basically i've been a very productive lala and i will do nothing the rest of the week. unless i want to. don't tell me what to do.

now i ice my foot because carley says to.


Jeannie said…
You are a force to be reckoned with on