two times

martha is here for another visit. she blesses me with her desire for a swim.  music to my ears.

last week we went to spanish banks one hot evening after supper.  the tide was half way out, half way in. the silty water at spanish banks is opaque. we couldn't see the rocks we were stumbling over so i ducked under the waves early.  martha succumbed to the same tactic.

last week i was always a little too deep for martha but never over our heads. i was always dancing out to meet the fading blue mountains of the burrard inlet.  the light was golden, then orange, then hazy neon red as the sun got lower and lower on the horizon, silhouetting paddle boarders and kayakers. in the other direction vancouver city skyline twinkled like a multi-faceted jewel.

we did a synchronized routine to "i think i wanna marry you"

we found a skinny log and straddled it. this is where 'ms. pampelmouse' was born. with snooty voice she gave nasaly instruction. "legs forward, legs back, touch the log with your feet, good.  one leg tucked under, the other straigh... and so on.  if the girls misbehaved she was shrill with her 'girls! GIRLS!" she was quick to tell any little girl asking her anything to hush.

on the way home we got shaved ices.

the next night i found some sea fermented materials in my bellybutton.

today we went to centenial beach at boundary bay.  the tide was all the way up and a vibrant rich dancing blue. we briefly sat on a log so i could stretch the water shoes over my now tender tootsies and martha could disrobe.

the water was delicious.  we started our trek out.  out to the middle of the bay, it seemed until we were shoulder deep.  this time our theme song was chariots of fire.  we of course made up a synchronized dance to it.  but first i slow-mo ran while singing it and martha sang the click part.  ifyouknowyouknow.

martha did a sommersaulte and we both did handstands and gave each other grades.  i don't want to brag but i did make it up to a 10/10 which finished with a flip and arms in the air. it was qutie fantastic. ms pampelmouse and the girls did make an appearance.  this time shirley took off her suit and in a surprise moment ms p endorsed skinny dipping, claiming a certain freedom in the sea.

on the way home we got screamers.

i've already done a belly button check.


Jeannie said…
I'm speechless! Only you! You two deserve each other!
Michealah said…
Belly button check 🤣🤣 glad you could have fun. Love the slow-mo running and singing