fyi the birds are back

they're back.  i can hear their little feet (do birds have feet? yes they do.  don't be weird.) i can hear the metal scrape as they come in for landings or take off from the drain pipe. i hear their chirps and chuzzles. i made up 'chuzzles'.

they have been gone for over a month, leaving our yard in radio silence.  crows joe and flo seemed to disappear too.

but now they are back. fyi. the chuzzlewhits are back.

ps. the other day theresa said my hair looked like ramen noodles. now i can't unsee it.

pps. mf keeps sending me unsolicited cat and dog pics. he's obsessed with such. i have taken to sending random pics back. a mushroom, a flower bush, some lettuce, to which he responds "this is not cat." to which i respond "     ."  nothing.


Jeannie said…
Wow. That last photo is stunning. What a dish. Are you sure they are back? I haven't seen them. Maybe they looked it over and found it was unsuitable since the landlord wouldn't fix it up.