
is every swim a spiritual experience? pretty much, yes it is, yes mhhmm, yep, yah. *nods rapidly*

i knew high tide was 9pm so that was when i arrived at boundry bay beach. there were still a lot of people there but most of them were heading towards the parking lot. i bee lined it to a log and switched my sandals to water shoes.

the water near the shore was warm, not even a hint of cold. i walked straight in and kept on going.  the sun was setting behind me and in front of me was a mirror of sky and sea all dusky blues and pastel pinks. i felt like i could go on forever and disapear into the sea.

the water was like glass. i kept going, out to sea, past all the people until it was just me and a distant paddle boarder who was heading in. i glided forward, i floated on my back and looked at the rich darkening sky ringed in red and orange. i prayed. my eyes drank in the colours of the sky on my skin and in the water. i saw the moon was a tiny sliver. i felt peace and an awakening of self. i felt liquid and graceful. i felt gratitude. 

as darkness was setting in i headed back, now the single swimmer in a world of water. it is always a disappointment to return to gravity snd a clumsy lumbering reality as i stumble back onto land.

the mosquitos were merciless so i left almost instantly swatting them away as best i could while they ravaged my legs, drinking deeply. cruel creatures.


Michealah said…
How can that not be such a spiritual experience with the descriptions you give?
Jeannie said…
Into every life there must come some mosquitoes it seems. Swim signs delicious and restorative. You have a gift for enjoying.