a perfect day

it's the twin's birthday and this is the acknowledgement of that.

today mom and i went to the temple.  mom arranged for us to go with josaidy.  she got here 10 minutes early and i was feeling a little grouchy.  when i got to the car i saw that junko and her husband were there too.  for no reason i felt bad-itude about it.  it was just the before temple grrs.  it all melted away.  we got to the temple super early so we decided to go to the distribution centre.  it's so big now!  the expansion makes a big difference.  it's such a pleasure to shop there now.  i tried on some mary jane temple shoes and they were so comfy, so i bought them! mom and i went outside and sat by the hyacinth boxes in front of the chapel waiting for the others.  it was so nice out.

the session was nice.  i took mary margaret mcintyre through.  she's mom's great great great grampa's second wife's grand daughter.  i had a soul nurturing time in the celestial room and was the last one out.  i thought i would give mom a head start in the change room.  i'm always ready way before her.  sure enough i was this time too.  my new shoes are so comfy!  they make walking in the temple a breeze!  where as the slippers i had before were a limp slowly kind of feel, these were a stride forth confidently kind of feel.

outside the temple we took selfies.

on the way home we had some good talks.  dad was up.  we had lunch together and we talked him in to playing bocce ball with us out in the yard.  our grass is really thick and deep but i found some harder ground along the side of the house where we drive up into the yard at times and set up our camping chairs there.  dad sat on his walker.  it was mom and i against him.  it was great because he stood up multiple times to toss his bocce ball.  not every time, but many times.  sit-stands are one of the things he's supposed to practice.  mom and i were quite pleased but we didn't mention it to him.  after that we sat in the sun at the back door and just basked in it.  we each ate an orange, dad had a triangle of laughing cow cheese, a raddish and a hard boiled egg.  mom and i had lasagna.

when the sun went behind a cloud and the breeze picked up we went inside.  dad went to bed and mom and i started looking for tables on fb market and craigslist.  it's our plan to have a table outside for the spring summer seasons to eat and play games out there. we found one just down the road for free.  the top of it had some issues but the legs were sturdy and mom thought we could paint it or put a different top on it. i emailed the girl and she said she put it out so we could look at it.  we got it in the car and then i messaged her that mom was interested to see the other stuff she has for sale.  suddenly she was at our car window.  she was a beautiful woman, wearing a touque.  mom has already decided that she has cancer and that's why they are selling all their stuff and going traveling.  her husband is handsome.  he was darker skin and longer hair.  maybe indian heritage?  they are a very cute couple.  anyways they had a lot of good stuff.  two cute snake plants---i didn't take that but i wanted to, a metal stand of drawers, like a tiny filing cabinet but drawers...know what i mean?, i bought that for 30.00 and i got some frames and some edison hanging lights.  we left feeling quite giddy.

what a fun and full day.


katie said…
Why would you be grouchy about Junko?! I’m jealous of your Junko time. Sounds like you did have a great day. (Cute shoes)
Jeannie said…
Yes it was a wonderful day . Thanks for recording it in word and photo.