nash potato son of spud

yesterday michealah and cordell had stake conference. two things about that--1. their church has 2 chapels!! 2 chapels with 2 services going on 4 different times. ie 8 wards meet. (we watched on zoom). and 2. closed captioning was enabled and some of its interpretations of people's names were hilarious. as a result i may have bern less than reverent at times.

later while the new parents took a much needed snoozerooni, katie and i researched poses and swaddling techniques for photo shoot round 2. nash had a long nap himself much to elizabeth's dismay. she kept jumping up at every little squeak and newborn murmmer. 

photo shoot day 2 started with a very warm room, and squishing a baby into am octagon and progressed from there. 

when the time came for the fancy swaddle... things happened and instead of a round bundle we got a strange bottom heavy bee. it makes me laugh every time i think of it.

when becky showed up with some chicken cacciatore we had emerged from the hothouse bedroom drenched in sweat and were  part way through shooting a delightful scene involving a cake pedestal.

things were decided. I'm taking some grad photos of becky tomorrow.

a night of games ensued. we slapped happy salmons, met the dalaillama and threw burritos at each other.

later in bed katie and i discussed the worries of the world late into the night like 2 doofs.

today nash had his dr appointment. and came home a triumphant 3oz heavier. he proceeded to sleep all afternoon.

i de-seeded a giant pomwonderful.

katie fishtailed my fuzz.

e and i watched quite abit of naruto, her anime show and katie and i made big food plans.

when cordell got home everyone went to costco but i stayed here. my responsibility was to make rice, gravy and chop a green pepper. that easily done i completed 3 sudoku puzzles anf got the late afternoon snoozies. 

now everyone is here and haystacks are immenant.

ps. the toilet seat was cracked...probably by me and on saturday night after everyone had gone to bed, katie and i were talking, as we do, and i needed to pee. you can guess what happened. i sat on the toilet seat and the crack pinched my tender upper thigh. i let out the loudest high pitched bird squak and thought i would have woken up the whole house. i was only in my g's so i wasn't keen on facing a gaggle of peering peepers. but no one stirred. i slunk back to bed undetected.


Jeannie said…
Very confused about strange bottom heavy bee, round bundle and squishing baby into octagon.
Laura said…
the pics will make it clear