like thomas, i oughtta be snoozin. i have 2 things to relay.

first a comedy--i got home late, around 9. i checked in on mom and dad. they were holed up in dad's room watching the apple dumpling gang. we decided to have a bedside joint. joint is a hymn, a prayer, 3 inspirational quotes from prophets and church scholars, and a chapter or 2 from our come follow me readings. everything was going well until it was time to read a chapter from genesis. as i went to get dad's bible he called after me to bring his salted nuts as well. the nuts were a big problem. first of all dad's scriptures are the big heavy ones. he was trying to read them  laying down while also popping a nut or two into his maw. we were in genesis so the bible opened up heavy on one side flimsy on the other. when he reached for a nut he was holding the bible by only the flimsy part.  all sorts of contortions and fumbles ensued. he almost lost the whole book one time and yet he was committed to a steady stream of nuts. every time mom and i would look up he'd be in some new contortion which really hit our funny bone. dad was not amused, closed the bible, put it down on the bed beside him, said "all you two want to do is laugh." then he ate a nut. the requisite cajolling ensued and we continued.

now a trajedy--after feeding izzy i retired to my room. i was sitting on my bed saying my prayers when i suddenly thought to check on my amaryllis who was on her 2nd blooming. she didn't have enough room on the ledge so i put her on the stool under the window this morning.  she was there no longer but lay in a broken heap on the floor, her flower neck snapped. alas.


Jeannie said…
I'm getting ready confused.Ive read this before.