2022--already momentous

on this the second day of 2022, this is what i have to say--izzy, the old lady herself, finally settled down in mom and dad's house and had a cozy moment.  sometimes she comes down with me but spends the whole time wandering around like a lost soul from room to room meowing.  today i was going down to add some pictures to mom's life story and stayed for 'joint' and a game or two of dice.  izzy came with.  she was wandering like she does.  until i scooped her up onto the couch and gave her tons of pets.  i rarely scoop her up because old lady does NOT endorse scooping of her person.  she does however heartily endorse scooping of her poop.  anyways she was enjoying the couch. i  knew she would.  i pet her and ton and then she hopped off and we started our 'joint' followed by greed and i forgot about her. i was able to forget about her because she was not meowing her head off.  in fact i said good night to mom and dad and walked out the door, only to stop once i got outside.  wait a minute i came in with izzy.  i went back in.  "izzy's still here right?" i asked.  dad looked over the edge of the couch.  "she's right here licking her bum." izzy did not appreciate her private oblations publicized in such an impertinent way but she let it slide this one time.

it was the first time that when i left, she was not trotting out in front of me anxious to depart.  this time after calling her a couple times including a nice long 'old laaaaaady!" she didn't budge and i left without her asking mom to text me when she let her out.  a few minutes later mom texted me this "the old lady left and she was mumbling that she could go up the stairs faster than you any day."  haha, touche izzy, touche.

hey laura, what about the all the christmas season festivities? you have a lot to write about. hello!  yah, yah.  we'll see what happens.


Anonymous said…
It’s good to hear that little Izzy is feeling more settled at your parents place! I love the picture of her - it speaks volumes!! h
Laura said…
haha i know, she looks so grouchy.
Jeannie said…
Huge laugh out of..

Did not appreciate her private obligations publisized.