a giant bowl of chinese food

laying bed completely spent. the darkness is a welcome comfort. the small of my back releases a tender ache into the softness of the matress topper. the air is just right--cool outside my duvet and cozy within. 

mom had to drop off her car at ok tire at 8:30 am. i teased her the night before. "samson doesn't care if you get it there right at 8:30," i asserted. "it sounds to like you are going to make me late," fussed mom. in the end i left after her and got there before her. even nabbed the parking spot she wanted. 

after we stopped at rona. "i don't know what they are called, but they keep the toilet seat on," i explained to the bearded guy at the information desk. his beard twitched. "bolts?" i shrugged.  "i guess so..." he directed me to aisle 21a. ya maybe he walked by a few minutes later and saw me blankly scanning the wall of toilet hardware. ya maybe he put the right one directly into my hand. whatever. 

mom bought some stuff in freshco while i waited back in the car.

we did our advent thing with jane and what mom and dad call "joint". i went upstairs for breakfast and wrapping. jane came with. i made oatmeal with peanut butter and frozen tropical fruits.

jane helped me wrap. she thinks wrapping on the floor is awesome because she's young and her body works. izzy was gratified to have an opportunity to be directly in the way and step on the paper a bunch of times. 

"i want you to take me Christmas shopping." dad declared earlier.  before i was done fondling my (skin) tags and ribbons it was time to get our show on the road.

first we dropped mom off at ok tire and then we were off shopping until dropping. we went to walmart. jane pushed dad and i rode a scooter.  we were very successful. and i rammed dad from behind in the elevator. 

on the way home dad wanted food. we stopped st the bubble waffle taiwanese place and ordered some snacks: salty chicken nuggets, takoyaki, and breaded shrimps. but then mom called. dad's bather guy, george was there.  so i left jane to wait for the food and drove dad home then straight back to get jane. we got bubble teas. i got mangi w coconut meat and she got taro with bubbles.

dad drank half my drink. and wanted more than the snack size. his big idea was "go back and get me a big bowl of chinese food". instead jane and i headed to freshco to get sour cream for perogies. i sent jane in. on the way home mom called. she needed more perogies. we turned around  i sent jane back in.

back home mom gave me broccoli to roast. and i did. btw dad wrongly preferrs a mushy boiled veg. it can't be denied. in this case, yes, a preference can be wrong. yes. mhhm. yep. 

we ate, trying to compare and contrast the homemade 'rogs to the store ones. i felt homemade was slightly better but don't know why. 

we went to the church to practice our song. jane joined young womens while we altoed with evelyn the chapel.

we played skip bo and dad and i won x2 making up for last night. 

now we rumble. ie. i sleep.

great pose


Jeannie said…
Taking Dad Christmas shopping mama another important accomplishment. Way2go!