a neighbour who fumfers

mom is downstairs right now, fumfering in her soon-to-be-place.  eating keifer, wandering about with a warm bean bag tucked under her turquoise plaid blouse, planning and thinking out loud about what will go where and how things can fit.  i took my uber light shower chair downstairs so i would have something to sit on while i kept her company.  she brought some of her wicker collection with her, "these are my solutions." said mom, "they help me solve problems." add wicker to the duct tape and pantyhose utility belt, i told myself mentally.  i didn't really.  i nodded because i expect mom to have any number of solutions up her creative sleeve and why not wicker?  she brought all her framed pictures too and placed them under the window. we discussed where all the things might go.  mom discovered to her delight that the oven is self-cleaning.  that's one point for this place.  the kitchen cupboards are ancient but mom says some new cupboards are not very good anyways.  i stayed as long as i could--about an hour and a half.  but i needed to put my foot up so i came back upstairs, leaving her to her work.  she's going to measure things.  she's going to collect data.  she has research to do.

this morning i thought "let's see if i really need any tylenol or naproxen" and i didn't take any.  so i was feeling things more.  since coming upstairs i've taken some tylenol.  i guess it does do something.

saturday and sunday we had a 'family reunion' at peace arch park like last year.  there was some kerfuffle with going back over the border.  more than there was last year and some people had to go through customs.  others didn't.  heather, who came with me on saturday, flashed the officer a yellow paper saying she just renewed her license.  "that's a vaccination record." said the officer.  heather looked at it and burst out laughing.  "oh that's for my cat!" haha.. but she fished out her actual temporary license and he let us through. they didn't even ask doug.  but bethany and andrew didn't fare so easy.  they went through customs because they thought they had to and got a warning about quarantining and had to hoof it back to their car along the highway in the pouring rain.  so she didn't come the second day and i don't blame her.

the first day, saturday, rained.  luckily avereigh brought canopies that covered most of the tables and john brought some little ones.  heather, natalie and i played phase 10. i came from behind to win but heather let out the best whoop of the game after a particular winning hand. 

it was nice to be with everyone.  on the second day i got a ride with bethany and andrew and after talking to the rcmp they decided not to enter the park and i said good bye to them and made my way to the tables.  first one from our group again.  on the 2nd day mom and dad, martha, oren, sarah, and her kids as well as bailey and adriel's friend justin all joined us enlarging the group quite a bit.  we gorged on john's candy and talked in different groups. i  stayed in the same place but people came and went and came again.  i used the wheel chair as my foot hammock.  "your foot has its own wheelchair?" said john on the first day.

i don't feel like writing in minute detail about the weekend that's why i'm writing in this super engaging scattered style.  just--it was nice to see and visit and be with everyone and there were border kerfuffles.

i actually drove saturday evening after getting home from peace arch.  we went to the church parking lot and i had no problem slamming on the brakes  or doing anything else so we took it to the road.  i took back posession right away which felt weird.  i dropped heather off at the skytrain and drove home.  a driver  once more.  but still only short distances, because foot was like i am feeling this and it is tiring me out.

i found out michealah is having a baby! i think this is the 9th great gran.



Jeannie said…
It is the ninth. It was a lovely weekend. Dad enjoyed it even more than last year. He got in more visiting. And I made sure I got my fair share of hugs and hugging and had good visit with everyone.