
well 25% did get easier and i did sing a lot of made up songs to myself that did help.  and now i'm nearing the end of my 50% weight week.  time passes.  things happen.  the end.

i saw jasub my physiotherapist on the second day of 50%.  to say i was still a bit wobbly and terrified is to put it mildly.  this was my first visit with jasubee since before any surgeries at all.  evelyn took me of course.  she takes me to appointments.  that's our thing.  that's one of our things.  anyway i still took the scooter, don't think i didn't. i wasn't about to crutch all through the parking lot and up the ramp.  i was too much of a panicky newb for that.

jasub adjusted my crutches.  that was helpful.  apparently i had been totally hunched over them.  but this is how he did it.  asked me to stand up and crutch towards him then in the doorway he took one of the crutches away to adjust and left me standing there far from anything.  i was still putting most of the weight on my non-surgical leg and it started to burn and quiver.  "ummm... my leg is getting tired!" i exclaimed with faint alarm.  first he offered me a low round stool.  you know the ones the dr.s sit on. do you know how low those are?  i was like, jasubadude, i would not be able to get up from that!! then he gave me a chair and i knelt on it in relief.  other exciting things were going on the exercise bike and being given a series of tough and painful exercises to do 3x a day.  when we left i felt a little bit like crying.  

then we sat in in tunnel traffic for over an hour, i think. not comfy for my sore foot. then i had the climb the stairs etc, and collapse into bed feeling discouraged.

the next morning in my prayers i told Heavenly Father that i needed some courage to face this stage of my recovery.  and then every single scripture i read were big courage boosters.  exactly what i needed. and i face the day with optimism.  50% is actually easier to do on crutches than 25%.  the one leg doesn't have to carry most of the load.  it just carries it's own load.  and i could do the exercises better at home.  although the toe one can hurt like a son of a gun sometimes.  i started crutching to the kitchen and back and leaving the scooter sitting idle for most of the day.  i realized hey, i can just stand up!  no big deal!  just stand on my own two feet, go from sitting to standing, with no other aid.  just stand.  that was big.  and when izzy isn't threading in and out of my legs i can even go at a good clip.  

so here i am at the end of the 50% weight week.  tomorrow i try out 75%.  that's a one crutch endeavour.  wuuut.  after this next week i go to 100% weight.  one more week and i'll be walking.  one thing that discouraged me before was how painful it was.  but it's ok.  it gets better and things change.  i can't wait until i can walk again.  that will mean i can GO DOWN THE STAIRS by myself!  whenever i want!  freedom!

oh yeah, i also finally had a shower.  evelyn came on thursday and i had her take a hook off my bedroom door and hang it in the shower.  then i had her hang my mesh bag that i have my camp dishes in, in the shower sans the camp dishes.  we put my body wash and conditioner in there so they were within reach.  i asked her to get in and out of the shower as i watched so i could picture myself doing it. evelyn put my leg in a garbage bag and masking taped the top all up.  she was all "i'll be here to hand you things and help you etc. i was all "i don't want you to see me nakkie" and she was all "i won't look, and i'll take my glasses off. lol. so i undressed in the shower and threw my clothes over to her and only needed her one time because we forgot to put my razor in the mesh bag and i wanted to shave my pits for the first time since the end of may.  true to her word she did not look.  but she stood in the hall chatting away to me as i dried off and combed the tangles out with my fingers.  i dressed my top half off, stepped out, onto the scooter and escaped to the bedroom to dress my bottom half.  the shower felt so good.  i made it a cold shower too.  last night i had another shower and did it all myself.  i'm growing up.

heather didn't come visit me this weekend.  this might be the only weekend she's missed since my first surgery.  that's dedication.  and i was fine.  it was the big singles conference.  we watched online.  we both individually had some grouchy moments.  on saturday night heather told me she wanted to stay home on sunday.  sure i said.  she asked if i had enough food etc.  "the only thing i can't do myself is the littler box" i said.  which stressed heather out because she's the only one that does it of all my helpers and after a week it reeks.  i was all "it will all be ok", and she was like "no it won't!" haha.  

but that got me thinking.  maybe i COULD do the littler box.  at least scoop all the yuckies out and into a bag.  maybe if i sat on the rolly chair i could scoop it!  so this morning when i got up i saw a hard nugget of dried poop had fallen off izzy's bum a few cat steps from the litter box. it's not very common but i can happen if it was stuck to her fur and then fell off.  how am i going to get that?? i thought.  it was sitting very close to a door jam and didn't know if i could reach it sitting on the rolly chair.   then i opened the front door.  my red geranium was laying on its side on the deck floor.  hu?  what happened??  did someone knock it off?  an animal?  a crow?  3 problems to solve.

it turns out that i could reach the poop nug with some paper towel and i could scoop the box sitting on the rolly chair and i tied it up and left it at the front door.  then i crutched back to my bedroom, got scoot, rolled out onto the deck and picked up my cheery red pompom geranium.  after church billy and norm came to give me the sacrament and i got them to take the litter garbage down with them.  problem solver!

i'm too sleepy to brag more. 


Jeannie said…
You are growing up! Very exciting. Fun to listen how you face your problems and solve them with Heavenly father's help. I think we are getting close to the Monday where I come in,right?