an outing

 up to now my only outings have been dr and physio appointments or a location change to heather's. today i got to go to work. 

last night colin messaged the staff group chat about his idea to make pathways a 'cooling station' for members today and tomorrow and stay open until 7 but he needed a staff to do it with him. i was quick to answer. "I'll do it if you pick me up and drop me off!" i said with a winky face. but he took me up on it! i was so excited.

he picked me up st 3:15. i was already down the stairs waiting on the bottom step. i brought scoot for the long parts.

first i stopped on the 3rd floor four a reunion with suzanne, andi, and karim. i repotted a baby succulent. i showed them all my scars.

then at 4 we went upstairs. i saw jimmy and mary and erin and david. i started playing exploding kittens with michael and mashood and then karim and i did crosswords. we ate mac and cheese and bacon. it was such a fun night and the ac was delicious.  I'm going back tomorrow.

75% is still hard but I'm doing better every day. today i had a win with my foot exercises. one thing i have to do is put a towel down on the floor and scrunch it up with my toes. you know pull it towards me... anyway most of my time is spent fruitlessly scrabbling my toes over it, gripping nothing no matter how i contort my face or what songs i sing. today i gripped it and moved the towell with my toes TWICE. and i contorted my face wildly. rejoice

and now all the exercises are done, my dry peeling foot is moisturized, booted and on its perch. time to sleep.

ps speaking of sleep i had a dream in animation this morning.  it ended with this swallow diving after this swallow from a different 'tribe' and saying in a french accent "ahh  my dear i can finally smell your scent,!" they were enemies but from that i knew they would fall in love. 



Jeannie said…
What a wonderful evening! Your workplace is the best. What a weird and interesting dream. I have never had one so entertaining. I must say I am bummed out that my visit and our impending move didn't even get a mention in your blog