a weekend of note--day 2 (a special day)

saturday was special.  saturday heather and i went to the temple.  it was my first time since well before covid. heather picked me up right around ten am just as i was getting to the bottom of the stairs.  she had to run up to go pee and forgot to unlock the door so i was left stranded standing there rocking back and forth.  luckily she's a fast pee-er.  

i was inspired to start wearing the compression stocking that i got in july during the 'heat dome' so it was always too hot to wear, plus compression stockings are for when you are on your feet and up to now i've mostly been on my back with my foot up.  so now was the time.  and i found that i really helped me to be more comfortable.  i didn't get that weird 'foot has been down too long' feeling that is like tingles and prickling.  aching too.  so the ride was fine.  i talked heather through the hwy 17 route and we made it to the distribution centre just before our 11am appointment.  we used the church wheelchair that the bishop loaned me.  

i had to get all new stuff. dress, packet, shoes, slip, stockings, everything.  the ladies were pretty cute. one was a short and cute older lady and the other was joedi whose son is isaiah's best friend apparently.  i tried on 3 dresses in the change room which was filled with opened boxes and had one chair, which i used.  while i tried on dresses heather engrossed the ladies in the topic of deodorant and armpit stains.  they were so engrossed that none of them heard me come out.  i walked to my wheelchair, parked around the corner and wheeled myself up to them before they noticed me, ha ha. heather was getting new garments and pondered about a shoe but put it off to see what she could get online.  i got one of the dresses for free and paid for another one.  my favourite 2 purchases were the robe with the new hook system and the cute new temple bag i got.  it's dove grey with gold metal and looks more like a big purse. 

but you know what it's like when you are shopping.  time flies.  so when we got out we decided not to load me and the chair back in the car and drive closer, but that heather would just run us all up to the teimple doors.  we started at a good pace but then heather remembered she didn't have her temple bag so she shoved me towards a curb and ran back for it and and practically jogged us up to the temple. heather would stop just before i could reach the automatic  door opener and then run around and press it herself.  "i can press it heather." i started to say, but she was flustered and out of breath and was like "no it's ok.." this happened two times until we got to the elevator and i was like "heather! i can do it!"  then she was like, oh ok.  after the session she said she forgets that my arms are longer than hers. i also just think she was in go go go mode.

sister walker was posted in the change room.  she directed us to the handicap change room.  i started changing but all my stuff was all in individual plastic packages.  heather came in and started helping me.  she couldn't get the comb onto the the veil and i was like "go ask sister walker." sure enough heather said she slid it in right away.  after the kerfuffle of getting ready i started to calm down.  we didn't have to go to the chapel waiting area but were directed right into the session.  i asked for a folding chair to put my foot up on and a nice lady set it up for me and gave me a pillow to rest it on as well. she cautioned me not to get my dress caught in the wheels and told me i didn't have to stand up.  everyone was super nice and helpful. as the session started i felt overwhelmed with gratitude just to be there again. our group was super small.  joanna and marco were the witness couple and marco was the only guy.  joanna is pregnant and looked super cute.  they had to sanitize their hands a bilion times.  when i went through the veil i accidentally put my hand on the guy's head because i didn't know he was bending down.  heather was back there waiting to bring me up and saw it happen.  she said she exchanged an amused glance with the brother.

as usual the celestial room was my favourite part.  i had a good prayer and i had this feeling--like i could let go and just let this foot challenge happen the way it will happen.  that i could leave it up to God and trust in him.  even if it is hard and i have to bear it longer than i would like.  i felt a peace about it.  later i realized i felt rest.  a rest from my burden and cares about it.  it felt like a literal "come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and ye shall find rest to your souls."  i also felt like he would heal me--that he was healing me and i felt a power... hard to explain but real.

after we took a few selfies and got some wendys.  son of a baconator never tasted so good for some reason.  we were almost giddy.  i often feel that way after the temple.  and i think it is because of that rest from cares and burdens.  i feel so light.

on the way home we stopped and got cat food and kitty litter and some more tyelnol.  then heather helped me with a few things before driving home.  it was a special day.


Jeannie said…
A perfectly beautiful day. Thank you for sharing. I feel the spirit. I know what you mean. Entering into rest is the best.