saturday with heather

heather came and took care of all the things. she changed izzy's litter, did my laundry, watered the plants, did dishes and helped me wash my feet and shave my legs... it was my first shave in over a month.  the best was having clean sheets and shaved legs. sigh.

we ordered our peruvian feast.  all the dishes were listed as 'signature', which makes us laugh.  we got a chicken sandwich, a fried pork sandwich with yam and onion salad, yuca and frites with pork.  it came with a slightly sweet spicy sauce.  we split everything and ate it with gusto.  we also got this drink that is purple, made from corn, and tastes like cinnamon!  it was weird but good.  the only thing we didn't get was the dessert because they were out. something to look forward to.

eveyln came by with the church wheel chair so we could put it in my car so we will be ready with it if we need it. she sat and chatted up a storm with us for a while as we re-cased the 6 pillows that are currently in use on my bed. after she left we had supper and shaved my gams.  heather was astounded at how little hair i had.  i think i'm starting to get old lady legs with bald patches.  unfortunately the hairiest part is all around my knees, which i think is weird, but i can't explain why.

we were waiting for my groceries to arrive.  heather wanted to leave by 7 and they hadn't come yet.  just after she said that she would wait a bit longer--they came.  i sat on a chair in the kitchen while heather put the groceries away.  that alone is a big deal.  i don't sit in the kitchen.  the day i came home from the hospital i sat in the kitchen and it was the greatest ordeal to get up from the chair.  but now, now my left leg has grown strong and beefy.  now i can get up. (you probably have better balance now, said fatima later when i was telling her about it.  ya, and that's because my leg is stronger and beefier, i answered her.  you just want to say beefy, accused fats.)  anyway i sat and chopped veggies for a huge and deluxe greek salad while heather put the rest of the groceries away.  it felt good to do that.

heather has  come every weekend since the surgery and i really appreciate her.  it's a lot.  and every time she comes she takes care of everything that needs to be done.

my mattress topper and sheets are both overdue to arrive.  maybe it will be today.  i think it being july 1 and july 4 maybe delayed them.  i eagerly await a bed of new squish proportions.

today was the first day of non restricted full 2 hour church.  i watched from home.  i wished so hard to be there too. to stand and sing o canada...still singing from home i got a lump in my throat.  i know canada has work to do to become a better country and to take care of all of it's citizens.  i also know that i was blessed to be born here with all the privileges and freedoms and opportunities and peace and prosperity and safety that many sacrifice everything just to get the possibility to have that for their families.  but also, like, enough about the water.  how can there be places in canada that don't have clean drinking water in 2021.  it isn't right.  it isn't right that families were broken up and children hurt.  it wasn't right.  it isn't right that anyone discriminates against anyone else.  hate and divisiveness isn't right. i love canada.  i love our land.  i love our people.  all of us.  i pray for our people and our governments that we will do the right things.  that we will be unified.  that injustice, inequality, unfairness, hurting can all be made right.  i would like to be a part of that, however i can. anyways, all that is to say i cried while singing o canada, as i often do.  it can feel complicated to love canada during a time when people are hurt and angry, and grieving.  but love doesn't mean you think something is perfect.  it doesn't mean my head is in the sand in lala land.  i see our faults.  i see our strengths.  i'm here for it all. 

maybe i can go to church next week.  i've been thinking about how it can be done.  i'll have to wear pants--i'm not going down the stairs on my bum in a dress... we'll see.


Jeannie said…
Wow. I sure appreciate all Heather does to take care of you. Got a lump in my throat too when I stood to sing O Canada but my mind didn't go nearly so many places.