bed upgrades

spending two nights on heather's deep squish bed and two nights on the guest bed with a mattress topper made me see the difference in my bed all the more.  my bed is fine.  it's just that spending 24 hours a day on it hurts my hips and bum-bones.  i cannot tell you about the insatiable urge to lay on my side.  i can do it for a few minutes at a time, but bum-foot can't tolerate it for long.  also my sheets are so gross.  they haven't been washed since before my surgery and i can hardly stand to look at them.  they have a grease stain from a lasagna spill, little blood stain's from izzy's bum-paw and lots of cat hair.  

so this is to say that i was motivated to do some amazon shopping.  i bought some new sheets.  they should have arrived last night. heather will check when she comes today.  i also bought a 4 inch matress topper. too extreme?|  we'll see.  i'm excited and impatient for it to arrive.  it's supposed to arrive today before 10pm.  meanwhile i shove pillows under my hip and bum.

we published the news & views yesterday. it's funny how the minute i am done the n&v my mind is freed up and i suddenly have capacity for all numbers of things.  suddenly i can make that call i've been meaning to make for2 weeks, and work on my board report and all sorts of things.  i cannot say how much i love doing the n&v.  it's a labour of love.  and it feels so good the way so the contributions of many comes together into this one creation.  what i hope, is that it can be a taste of 'what is clubhouse.'

anyways heather's here.  we are getting peruvian food.  byyee


Jeannie said…
Hope you enjoyed your Peruvian. New sheets and bed topper sounds fresh and comfy. Are your helpers helping me with laundry? What is the actual date of your next surgery. See you at 8:30 tomorrow.