torture chamber

i finally got to my scans around 4:30. for the first one i lay on this narrow bed or platform thing.  i had to keep my knees bent and feet flat and close together for 8 minutes.  it was hard to do but he taped my knees together to help me. a also got to watch the screen and see all the little white dots of radioactivity show up. it was a strain but i could manage it. my back started to hurt.

then i had to wait a couple of minutes and when they were ready i crossed the hall. this room had the same machine but behind it was a ct scanner. this was the torture chamber. i had to lay flat with a pillow under my knees. he put loose socks, more like bags over my feet and then they were placed in a foot holder. strapped in very tightly in a flexed foot position. before a minute was up my foot was saying ow...owwww....OWW! and i had to stay like that for 25 minutes.  it was agony. i waa alone in the room and the lights were dimmed. the scanner was very noisy. i distracted myself by singing songs.  i closed my eyes and sang songs. my toes were jerking involuntarily with the strain and pain. i sang more. 

i started with the golden girls theme which has been in my head lately, went through my swedish lullabyes, all 8 verses of book of mormon stories in swedish, and down in the valley.

my back was also killing me but it was nothing to my foot.  when it was finally over i followed the red line out of nuclear medicine and on to the elevators and back down to the parkade. i was like oh my foot is handling this ok. but when i was driving home i started getting painful pangs. oh that's all it is going to be i thought.  


oh it is paying its revenge game. a dish best served cold. i could only hobnle about my flat very tenderly and painfully. well this answered my question, am i getting better? no. no i am not.

anyway what i really wanted to relay was that this morning i discovered a white nose hair jutting what looked like an inch out of my nose. excuse me? where did that come from??

that's what everyone needs to know today.  



Jeannie said…
How treacherous! That is cruel and inhumane treatment.
Jeannie said…