hoaxes and snopes

so you may have heard, but if you didn't the whole surgery was a hoax.

no just kidding.  i am the hoax.  i'm not real, look me up on snopes.com. do it.  i dare you.

but what really happened was on wednesday i was at work, busily editing articles with karim.  and my phone rang.  it was footbridge.  the woman on the line said she saw in dr. valjkovic's notes that i was to have surgery on the 21st.  i was like yes that's right.  that's 2 days away.  but then she said "but we don't have you on the surgical calendar."  so ya, minor hiccup.  but suddenly it all made sense.  the night before fatima was asking me questions and i was all "i don't know. i'm sure they'll tell me soon." and she was all *eye brow raised emoji*. 

so now it's happening on june 1.  and i found out the second one is on july 13. and this is the summer of the foot.  more like the year of the foot but i didn't want to be TOO grandiose.  i am not too upset about the error because i have more time to prepare and more time to get the news & views out without dumping it on my peeps who have other things on their plates.  and now i have time to get a raised toilet seat and a bath stool, hopefully.  the bummer is that now both heather and leilani have to take time off of their work to help me because my new surgeries are on tuesdays.

the other day leilani called me and worked her way up to asking me if i thought i would need diapers and what size she should get me.  i almost choked on my own spit in my hurry to squash that idea.  "no! definitely not!"  i hope i will not be at that stage yet.

if you think all i talk about is my foot issues.  you are mostly right.  

but last saturday i got to go to malachi's baptisim.  we did a few photos outside first.  the baptisim was just us--katie, brent, martha, me, natalie, elizabeth and malachi.  the elders crept in to help confer the holy ghost.  others joined by zoom including mom and dad, michealah and cordell and jordan and tracy and family.  it was nice.

i spent some time in the park by katie's new town house complex.  natalie bought me popeye's chicken.  elizabeth and malachi and i made up a game with this cool ball they have.  but when everyone was ready we drove to a park and did a photo shoot.

it was a little challenging because of my lame duck but we managed.  everytime i had to get up from laying on the ground, which was often, elizabeth offered her sturdy back in a table top form to help me up.  eventually brent went home and got me the crutches that i was going to borrow anyway.  this park had rhododendrons and a gorgeous wisteria tree.  the rhodo flowers were quite the thing in most pics.  once i lay in a bed of prickly holly leaves and rued my choice.  we ended the shoots with some couples shots of katie and brent for their 24th anniversary in the which brent refused to be romantic and was mostly his silly in photos kind of self.  but that's ok.

then katie and brent took me out for indian food at their favourite place.  there was a mishap when brent's extra long oar of an arm knocked over a cup of water and we got moved to a different table.  then there was the incident when we all got stuffed to the gills.  katie and i shared a chicken korma and an eggplant bartha and brent had his beloved lamb vindiloo.  

we parted ways in the parking lot after that and i went on to mom and dad's to say hello and get a blessing from dad for my surgery.  did i mention i'm having surgery?  it was nice to see mom and dad again.  we had some good chats and i got a really nice blessing.  when i left there it was getting dark.  i filled up with gas and headed home with the windows down to keep me awake.

on sunday after church heather and i met up for our last hurrah.  i wanted to do something outside together since i'd be housebound for a while after the SURGERY.  so we decided to have a picnic at the dike.  heather brought some empanadas that she bought for us the day before.  there were many flavours and they were all good but my favourite was the dessert one.  it was guava and cheese and it was soo yummy!  i brought some roasted broccoli and miso sauce.  i didn't bring any water for myself so i used the mandarin orange heather brought for me as little nuggets of juice to quench my thirst.  

it was such a gorgeous day on the dike.  we sat there about 4 hours without realizing it.  when it dawned on us, heather was like "that's why i was so stiff!" and i was like " oh that's why i had to keep changing positions!" haha.  heather spotted a cayote way down by the water line.  she also spotted some naughty people venturing out into the protected marshy area on the logs.  we saw a lot of cute dogs and people on bikes and people on bikes pulling their elderly dog in a trailer.  ok there was only one of those. 

and that was the special weekend.

new bed set up.  note the sleeping splint and the special pillow for elevating one's foot
note the hopelessness in squish's eye.


Jeannie said…
Love the colours in your bedspreads. They look like Persian rugs. And your boot thing matches. Looking forward to Schofield photos.