blood ninja

lately izzy and i compete for the couch. sometimes she pesters me at my elbow and i think she wants food or to be let out, but no.  she wants my spot on the couch.  i get up to do something and come back to see her nestled cozily between the cushions.

i've been in the feels lately.  the end of mr. sunshine broke my heart.  but you have to be a stone not to be moved by mr. sunshine.  i watched a kitten rescue.  the kitten was tiny and orange and had a pus filled eye.  then i saw they named him archie and i lost it.  those are only two times i've lost it.  it takes very little to dissolve into tears when i'm in the feels.  

in perhaps related news, i had my period for  ONE day only last week.  on wednesday i believe it was.  i was at work and spent the whole day in the chair.  didn't even go to the washroom.  got others to do my bidding like get me my water, get my lunch and bring me a fudgsicle... until the end of the day.  then i got up and watered the garden and went home. when i got home the firs thing i did was pee.  and.  AND what did i find?  a huuuuge blood stain all up my back. not even just hidden in the dark crevices of the crotch.  no.  nooooooo.  ute! why didn't you warn me?  why didn't you SAY something.  it could be anything! if there could be a sound that accompanied leakage, that would be great.  just any warning.  a notification that went to your phone! i ring tone called bloody mary! anything! why do you have to be so stealth mode?!  blood ninja.

today our rs lesson was on elder holland's talk about waiting on the Lord.  anja was the teacher and she asked some different people to share their experiences.  because i am in the feels this was particularly emotional for me.

evelyn wore a fancy hat at a jaunty angle for mother's day.

it was nice to have a mother's day zoom call 2021.  just so nice to be together and to laugh and talk.  i miss the family and the family times.

ok bye.


Jeannie said…
Sorry about blood Ninja. Might be worth every day light protection? And maybe she did try to warn you. You were especially emotional. Come on. Next time when you're especially emotional take precautions. Yes, I really enjoyed the family time too..... it was so relaxed and almost like being together.