holding hands

most nights i can hear the snow geese.  but this night i was talking to heather on the phone and i saw them flying low over the trees, necks outstretched almost earnestly.  the sky was dark indigo blue with a few streaks of pinkish light fading.  later i sat on the steps in the cool of the late march night to shake out the dusty vacuum filter into the bathroom garbage.  the stars seemed brighter and lower than normal and i could just see the gaggle of snows on the far side of the park.  it was a moment.

suzanne liked her bunch of tulips with a lilac in the middle.  barb was especially sweet on the lilac.  "look at the lilac," she'd croon to passers by, "it came like that!"  to me she said, "it looks like i'll have to take a road trip out to steveston".   "road trip!" i guffawed.  then we just looked at each other in silence.

the souffle cheesecake was very fluffy and light and not very sweet, as you may have imagined.  we ate it at the end of the day. 

i saw a stretch for feet on tick tok.  it's supposed to make the fascia feel better.  it involves interlacing your fingers with your toes like you are holding hands with your own foot.  it's very romantic.  well my toes are so tightly packed i cannot hold hands with my foot.  so i coerced j9 and andi into doing it which they did reluctantly. later i heard them commiserating with each other on how their feet had this weird residual feeling of their fingers between their toes. and that's my legacy. 


Jeannie said…
Interesting about the foot exercise. Did your friends do it on your feet or on their own feet?? Maybe you can get the same stretch in another way without putting your fingers in between your toes. Glad you are researching options. It will pay off ...... I promise. Seek and you shall find.
Laura said…
ha ha no! i didn't make them hold hands with my feet. their own! it's not like their fingers would fit between my toes either. if you can't interlace fingers with toes, you can cup your feet, which is what i did.