a splurge on fluers

 yesterday i was at work and the lunch was shepherd's pie with sweet potatoes and lentil.  i did not desire it.  so i talked everyone on my floor into trying the new uncle's snack shop.  heather sent me a thing about it and then jenn told me about it during our yw talk.   

so i got everyone on board.  they all gave me their cash.  pask came with me.  uncle's is a cute little place and they have a vibe.  a polished blonde plywood vibe and a pink room with succulents vibe.  there was some kerfuffle when they didn't have the thing that barb and mireya had ordered.  but we figured it out.  the owner (?) was really friendly to us and asked us where we worked.  he was super excited that we existed and we shared our website/social media with him.  then when we left we saw a sign that they were hiring for all positions so we were thinking maybe this could be a good potential te site.  either way, it's a good place to eat the foods.  we saw a couple who bought everything on the menu.  and i felt a twinge of jealousy. haha.

so that took us a while.  when we walked back in the door mireya threw up her hands and said "we can get the vaccine!  make an appointment!"  while we were gone the email came that we were eligible and had been since march 1, apparently, but we didn't know about it.  barb and mireya and dave already had appointments.  barb and mireya's were for that day!  i was like waaaaaaat.  the excitement of my og chicken sandwich with ginger, my pomelo salad with pickeled watermelon rind and honey garlic chicken skin was topped with the vaccine news.  i didn't know what to do first!  so i did it all at the same time!  i made an appointment for 2:10.

it was at the hospital.  it was a lot of walking for me.  park in the parkade, which has been free since covid, walk all the way down to the entrence and then down all the hospital corridors.  but i was like, foot, you gotta do this for me.  it's the vaccine baby!  so foot did her best.  luckily there were no standing waits.

we didn't know what vaccine it was, but when i arrived they told me it was pfiezer and i was pfine with that!  it takes 2 weeks until you have the immunity at 90%.  then 4 months later you get it again and your immunity goes up to 95%.  when i made it to the room with the nurse i had to sit down in a chair right directly beside her which felt...weird.  wrong.  i told her "it feels weird to sit so close to you." she kind of laughed and said she's been vaccinated and we were both wearing masks and ppe etc.  still. felt wierd. so she asked me questions and i answered them and then i got the vaccine.  you have to wait 15 minutes afterwards to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction.

anyways the rest of the day went by in a euphoric blur.  i do remember 'helping' barb post for her chinese support position which she is hiring for again.  frank is leaving us.  he got a full time job.  but we had some problems with indeed. it turned out i put the wrong email in.  so 'helpful'.

i also recall that i made the feta pasta with the addition of crimini mushrooms.  i used cavatapi which karey calls scooby doos.  delish. i had the left overs today for lunch.

the care tasks plan is going well.  last night i washed pots and pans, took the recycling to the curb, dusted in the living room and my bedroom and wiped down the 'surfaces' in the bathroom.  in this case it was the sink, the door, and the wall.  today i tidied the shoes and table area, put away things piled up in the living room, swept and mopped the bathroom scooped out the litter, and emptied the garbage in the bedroom.  

my foot is super sore.  isn't it great to always hear about my foot?  i knoooooow!  it was my day off today and i did a lot of errands.  i went to supervalue and bought more ranunculus.  but i didn't find all the colours.  i wanted more.  i bought a big pink geranium that was flopping over, to compensate.  i also got suzanne some tulips for her birthday and a souffle cheesecake at diplomat bakery.  i embarrassed myself trying to parallel park in front of the bakery.  2x failing before giving up and parking around the corner.  more walking.  then i went to save on foods to buy lavender.  i'm going to put it on my stubborn boob n pits rash and see if it helps.  more walking.  then i went looking for more ranunculus.  but i found more geraniums at a nursury on no 5 rd.  red ones.  and another pink.  pink and red are my jam.  then i went to home depot.  i got the hugest bag of potting soil.  like 60lb.  i don't know why.  it's very ambitious.  i could barely heave it into my car. i didn't find any ranunculus there either.  so. maybe that's it.  maybe yes.  maybe no.  we'll see.  by the time i was at the huge and spacious home depot i knew my foot had really had it.  i also knew that i could not lug the beast of potting soil up the stairs.  so i texted norm to see if he and billy could lend me their brute stength.  sure enough they walked over and billy did the honours.  norm said "billy can pick me up.  he can carry a 60 lb bag of soil."  sure enough he could. norm carried my flat of flowers.  "what is this?" he asked in his norm way, "are you trying to beautify your space or something?"  yes.  yes i am.  

i dumped out the soil from last year's dahlias.  this is a new year.  apparently this is the year of geraniums and ranunculus.  heather doesn't like geraniums.  but somehow we are still friends.  haha.  just kidding.  heather reminded me that on the day we were shopping and she was pushing me around in the wheel chair, we both kept getting zapped with electric shocks.  all the time!  and my hair was standing up!  it kept zapping heather in her big toe.  and me any time i touched something.

that's as far as i got with the plants. they are all on my porch.  i hope it doesn't get too cold for the geraniums tonight.  i had to lay down for a while with my foot cushioned on squish the mallow dragon pulsating with owies.  then i ate some fish stew and started my care tasks as much by rolly chair as i could.  wow the bathroom floor made a big difference.

today i counted about 20 ducks out in the flooded park grass nuzzling into the swampiness for foods. i told izzy to go make friends with a duck but she declined my offer.  izzy thinks anytime i sit on the bed it is her violent pet time.  sometimes i sing her songs.


Jeannie said…
It is really hard to control yourself when you get a bee in your Bonnet about doing certain errands, I know. But maybe if you disciplined yourself to only do so many errands as your foot desires, at a time, and force yourself to be patient and do the rest another day both you and your foot maybe happier. Just saying.
Jeannie said…
Take some photos when you get your flowers arranged on your deck for me. Things are a far cry from the day when I bought you some flowers and put them in a flower box on your deck and you let them die. Glad you finally got initiated into the wonderful world of flower gardening. Grandma Toner overwintered her geranium somehow. And bulbs are really really fascinating because you plant them in the fall and they come up all on their own in such a magical way in the spring.
Jeannie said…
Then when they die down some ( you have to leave their green leaves to wilt for a while because it gives nourishment back to the bulb) you can plant other flowers in their stead right on top of them ... Annuals. Other flower gardeners sometimes have bulbs to give away and other perennial plants that spread and multiply.
Laura said…
you are probably right but the bee in my bonnet is so insistant!

Gram had some gorgeous hot pink geraniums when i lived with her.