jagged little thumb

 first a confession: when heather and i were at bao down i was having allergies--watery eyes, sneezing etc.  obviously i was trying to keep it on the down low because--covid.  then i was taking a bite of spicy brb bao and i sucked the spice crumbs to the back of my throat and erupted in a spice cough/sneeze which i was trying to hold in, or in heather's language 'transfer'.  well it transfered right out my butt if you know what i mean.  that gave us a good laugh.  that needed to be recorded for history,

i originally had feb 1 off but i changed it to feb 3.  my guy michael was having his big move on monday and also there was work to do on the news and views.  michael's movers were supposed to arrive 9am sharp.  he texted them as precaution and they were like oh yeah.  we don't have enough vans. we'll be there at 5pm.  that was kind of a drag but it also worked out because meanwhile we found out the lock was broken on his new apartment.  he moved in to the apartments attached to our our building. we have 4 or 5 of them for our members.  i'm so glad for him becuase his old apartment was a slum.  and this apartment is only 3 years old and so nice.   aaaanyways.  it all worked out.  i stayed at work late working on the news & views.  story of my life.

tuesday karim came and did his checking for any printing errors and other errors and we printed!  i did something i didn't do before and emailed the food n fun unit and asked them to push the publication in all their dealings with the people.  and they really came through, used all of the ones i printed and asked for more.  so that was sweet.

wednesday was my day off.  the day started so gloriously.  the sun.  the sun was so bright and cheery.  i decided to make the most of it and 'sun bathe'.  and by sun bathe i mean lay on my yoga matt on the deck, with a blanket, couch cushion and my squishmallow dragon 'squish' as a pillow.  i took out my day planner and scripture journal.   settled in happy as a clam and so smug that i posted a short video on my instagram story "is it too early to sun bathe?  i don't think so!', i gloated in the video.  but it was post shower and my hair was wet.  obviously i was wearing a t-shirt, so i decided to go in and get a sweater so i wouldn't have to deal with wet hair on my arm.  that's when everything changed--shattered even.  i was getting up from the ground and i was in the lunge position, you know, one knee up and i put my hand out to push on the wall to brace myself for rising to my feet.  i wasn't really paying attention.  i was looking outward.  but my hand wasn't on the outer wall of the house.  it was on the thin glass of my storm door, and i broke it.  my thumb of my right hand pierced it first and got the worst of the damage.  i got a deep gouge  right beside my nail with flap of skin still attached. i was in shock. the whole pane of glass was shattered, some of the pieces fell to the deck floor and others remained in vicious angry shards jutting menacingly at all angles from the door frame somehow i struggled up and as i did i nudged squish with my foot.  he tumbled slowly down the stairs. "no-" i said instinctively reaching for him but my hand was dripping bloods all over the place and i couldn't very well rescue squish before i dealt with that so i had to leave him on the damp concrete at the bottom of the stairs.  luckily i was wearing runners already.  i put them on when i broke my favourite plate earlier in the morning... anyways i rushed to the sink and ran my thumb under water for a milisecond.  no no no, not that.  i grabbed some paper towel and pressed it into my thumb.  that's when i noticed there were other cuts all over my hand and fingers.  i didn't realized it then but most of them were not more than scratches from the razor sharp glass.  only a slightly deeper one in the palm of my hand but it also is not to bad because the angle of entry was more horizontal.  but at the time it was kind of freaky because  blood was coming from every where.  what am i going to do? i thought, i have no first aid stuff.  my first idea was to roll my thumb up in a pad but that didn't work too well.  but i left blood smeared all over the sink and bloody foot prints in front of the toilet.  i went back to paper towel.  then i thought i can drive to work and use our first aid kit.  but i didn't want to make a big scene at work and i felt like there might be a lot of people there who don't deal well with the bloods.  then i thought of jane.  technically i am her ministering sister, but we both know who ministers to who.  norm, her husband and billy her son are my ministering brothers.  they live just down the road from me.  i decided to drive to her house.  when i went down the stairs i chucked squish back up to safety. in the car i thought i should call her first.  she might not be home and also she might not do well with the bloods.  so i called her and she was home and had first aid stuff and insisted to come to me.  so i went and waited on the porch.  so she came and bandaged all my wounds up as best she could and we decided to go to the dr. about the deep one which was already bleeding through the bandage.  so i changed my clothes, ie. put on a bra, and we swept the glass that was inside the door out so izzy wouldn 't step on it and jane drove me to a walk-in clinic. before we left she phoned norm and asked him to come clean up the glass.  

the walk-in clinic was on cook road behind the rbc and we were the only ones there.  so the dr saw us pretty quickly.  i have mixed reviews.  i liked the dr.  he was an older dr. and he had an accent.  he kept tutting and saying "poor woman".  haha.  he asked if i had been drinking or smoking or if i had vision problems because he couldn't understand how i had don it.  but i didn't think his first aid skills were too current.  first he used alcohol wipes which we are taught in first aid not to use.  that knowledge is old too.  like maybe 10 years old.  alcohol hurts and it can damage the tissues.  dr. k was not delicate in his usage of them either.  he rubbed them roughly over my little  cuts (you are supposed to carefully wipe away from the cut) and he pressed it hard into my deep wound.  he said i didn't need stitches because of the pad of skin still attached.  so then he wrapped my thumb in white gauze.  but he didn't put a non-stick pad on first.  and he knew it was going to stick.  he said when you take this off soak it in warm saline water and take it off very carefully.  but why? why not save me that and put a non stick pad on first? why oh why?!  that is my largest complaint.  the white tubular bandage on my thumb was kind of loose and kept almost coming off over the next few days.  it was only kept on by the inside layer being fused to my wound.  every time i try to buckly myself in it almost comes off and on thursday i was trying to button up my jeans at work after peeing and it got caught in the waistband and wrenched quite painfully.  my thumb came out of the tube with the inner gauze attached and i had to find a way to get it back in. i put on an extra layer of gauze and tape to make it more secure.

aaaanyways wednesday was also my long awaited hair appointment at 4:30 and i was not about to miss it.  so once we got back, we found norm on my deck just cleaning up the last of the glass crumbs which he resolved to carry home in his hand.  jane came back half an hour later with some dumplings for me.  i just had to open the door and she could hand them straight to me through the hole where there had once been glass.  she gave me some cooked ones and some frozen onese for later which was very kind.  i spent then next hour or so telling everybody what happened.  i had done a story on instagram showing the broken glass and a thumb tucked into a bloody paper towel so everyone wanted to know what happened.  tany said it was like when i texted her "i'm in the back of a cop car" and then nothing, that time i was taken off the bridge.

then i got ready and went for my hair appointment.  the salon i chose for my first non-sarah procedure was on main street in vancouver and it was called pomp and proper.  i chose it because on it's instagram page they had  many curly clients.  when i told sarah about it she looked them up and said they looked like a good salon and realized she took an online course with one of their stylists.  so.  my stylist was named jen.  we spent the next 4.5 hours together.  that's how long it took.  i got some lightening with a honey blonde toner and some  pink underneath.  she did two pinks, one darker and one lighter.  it was supposed to be peachy pink with some darker pink but it didn't really turn out that way.  but i like it still and who knows what will happen as it fades.  anyways i liked jenn.  she didn't seem super confident in the fun colours and consulted her boss a lot but i didn't mind that and she was willing to try and experiment which was great.  she said she got into doing curly hair because she liked the challenge of it.  and she was trained by someone who was really good with curly hair so she just kind of picked it up and didn't really realize that she knew more than others about the curls until her curly clientele kept growing.  we were the last ones in  the salon.  sarah's 'friend' was in the back taking another online course, but otherwise it was just us.  i didn't think it would take that long but i wasn't mad about it.  i was all in for this hair day.

i have more to write about this weekend and pics to share but that will have to be on another post!  laters!


Jeannie said…
Oh my. I am afraid I have some Chuckles. Especially when you mentioned that you had also broken your plate that morning. It seems, that like your father, you are born without one of your being careful genes. This has caused you to have many adventures. I hope it is healing up okay. When you were talking about your door I didn't realize you were talking about a storm screen door. I thought it was just your main door. We weren't communicating🤪
Laura said…
lol. mom! why would i want a screen door for my main door! no wonder you thought it would be too cold. haha. i guess it's been a while since you were at my place. you forgot i had a wooden door.