swooping hawks and silver sliver moon

 a good day.

good talks in church.  sister liam talked about the power of kindness.  i was just thinking about that very thing.  good discussion in rs.  i do enjoy a good discussion.  i put my two cents in. 

i did some diddlies.  and they were good.

i determined today that my outside time would be out in the world.  around 3:30 a glorious low light lit up my home.  i hurried to finish the diddlies and got dressed.  i grabbed the camera and the camera bag which was entangled in the depths of the 'dump stuff here' kitchen chair.  it had been a while since i had a camera adventure.

i turned left on francis headed due west and went all the way until i reached the dike.  well the dike was a bit of a happening place so i parked down the road a bit.  just a tiny tad.  but it was a test for foot.  i didn't wear the boot.  so i walked down the tiny tad of the road and up on to the dike. to the right there were some benches but those were mostly occupied.  to the left was an empty picnic table and i chose that as my perch.

and i perched on it, a bird the proportions of a blue whale to a fish.  i had a lovely time. i watched the sun as it blazed its last glory of the day.  there were geese making a racket on the shore.  they rose up with great cacauphony when disturbed, tumbled about in the sky and settled right back down. i saw the occasional hyper flapping duck heading to the beach and well as seagulls lazily gliding about.  but the best were the hunting hawks.  swooping low over the long grasses, up into the sky and gracefully back down.  i was lucky to see one fly over me and saw the white band on his tail feathers. google tells me this is a northern harrier and i believe googs. the heavy clouds above parted to show a tiny sliver of a silver moon and then covered her up again.

stayed up on my perch an hour and a half until the last light was just clinging and the edges of everything was purplish. i was cold through and through but i didn't mind.  the only ones left on the dike were photographers. there was a lady with a wildlife lens longer than my arm.  i bet she got amazing shots of the swooping hawks.  

home and a shivery huddle under the blankets. then up to make some popcorn with chipotle hot sauce melted with the butter. 

and now les mis.  i can't stand seeing what happens to fantine.  ugh.  i hate it. 


Jeannie said…
That was a beautiful adventure you had on Grandma B's birthday. Can't wait to see some of the photos. In my opinion the best version of Les Mis is the one with Liam somebody or other in it. It is not so graphic on the uglies. After all, we do not seek after those things, to visualize the vulgar and the bass and the cruel. I love the message of Les Mis .....it is very inspiring. Have you read the book?