dwindled in unbelief

 i have dwindled in unbelief, but i'm back fighting the good fight.

we had our staff christmas party on friday.  we did it on zoom.  a lot of organizing was required so that everyone had their presents at home with them on time.  i enjoy being the present organizer.  we had one weak link this year and that was mary.  born on christmas day and still the weak link.  so sad.  mary ordered her gift and it was late arriving so we had her print out a photo of it to give to frank.  frank is new to us this year and this is his first christmas party.  so, j9 who i christened j-elf-9, or jelf9, and i thought we needed to jazz up his present so he had something fun to open at the party.  we got a box and filled it with random office things like the pencil sharpener (electric), a box of business cards, some chinese kitty ornaments, a box of frank loves gloves (that's the actual brand), a kleenex box with one kleenex in it, some decorating beads, etc.  frank was so funny when he opened it.  he was so excited about each of the random items!  i was laughing so hard.  it was very gratifying.

i had colin and i made him something special but i can't tell you about it!

dave macdonald had me.  i felt like he would get me candy because i am always in his office looking for treats.  sure enough i had a hug box full of glass canisters full of candy.  candy bonanza!  the best part is that everything was wrapped in bubble wrap.  i totally zoned out watching virgin river, my new binge show on netflix, and popping bubble wrap.  bubble wrap meditation. i think i just have one sheet left.  i'll be sad when it's done.

at work we are making our christmas goodie bags to give out to members. we are trying to make them extra special because we won't have a party this year.

today one of our resident hummingbirds just sat on the bamboo perch one of our members made for them and sat and sat and sat, just kind of bobbing it's head.  it was so cute. you just wanna squish it!

the young weemen are also doing secret santa and i'm off to do a pick up and a delivery of one of their gifts.  bai.


katie said…
Of course you were able to make something incomplete or lacking into something fun. 🙂 Michealah got us onto virgin river. She tells me it is filmed in Agassiz
Jeannie said…
Thanks for the Netflix ideas of Klaus and Virgin River. Any other suggestions you have would be much appreciated as bad has a hard time finding good things on Netflix.
Jeannie said…