go through the boring to get to the good.

 so i warshed ma hairz and i did not cry in the shower.  because i am tough.  also because i was super careful to not hurt myself.  that's how tough i am.  

today i made pancakes.

we had church on zoom.  the ronalds spoke.  they both did a good job on their talks.  i didn't shower until after church because i'm a bad girl who doesn't get ready for church.  i'm a bad girl who rolls out of bed 2 minutes before church is starting.  my cam isn't on.  no one needs to know about my bird's nest hair and my slovenly clothes.  but i know.  that's why i'm bad.  

but it's never too late to make things right.  you know?  so i had a shower after church.  and while i was in the shower i was thinking about that quote my elder holland.  i mean he's given a lot of good quotes but i was thinking about this one. "However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines". truth.  i need this kind of truth.  and i'm not talking about watching church services all crusty. God's glad i'm there.  if it's a choice of not go, or go crusty, he's all crusty girl, have seat right here by me, girl friend.  no i'm talking about my soul.  my soul needs that truth.  that is good truth.  just saying.  sometimes i go back and read my blog months or years later and i find stuff that is so good for me to read right in that moment.  so, you're welcome future lala.  (i put my zoom name as lala sometimes at work.  other times when i'm bored i put lizard, or laurita, or lalalita,... the variations are endless)

izzy does this thing that drives me crazy.  it makes me lose it.  like i have litterally yelled at her to leave me alone and stop being such a jerk. she pushes me until i crack.  until i start flailing my arms and legs wildly and undulating my body.  out of control.  this is what she does.  i'll be laying on the couch.  working, or blogging, or scrolling.  whatever.  it's the worse when i am really trying to concentrate and focus on something. at that minute she chooses to jump up on the couch at my shoulder.  she'll sit there for a few purrs.  no biggie.  then she'll walk around my head on the arm of the couch to the other side of me. if my hand is near to there, she'll nose it a couple of times, in this really rude obnoxious way.  when i am still ignoring her she'll suddenly jump down on my stomach or chest, whatever is free really, and walk across me with her pointy little pressure paws to her original position at my shoulder and then just start the whole process over again.  she's circling me. over and over and over and over.  until i break.  sometimes she wants food or to be let outside, that's ok.  but sometimes there is NOTHING she wants!  she's just being a jerk!  so recently i foiled her circling compulsion by putting a pillow standing on one end on the couch arm which is her circling highway.  she remained perturbed and perplexed about this for a day or two but yesterday i sunk kind of low into the cushions and suddenly she sailed over me in a desperate leap to continue her circling fetish.  it was slightly alarming.  

lately i've been falling asleep with reading glasses on.  i'm so cool.

also i am participating in a indexing challenge because at the end of the month bro roeder will give out treats to participants and i will do almost anything for a treat.  today i was doing census records for liberia.  they collect really interesting information! but it's coded and you don't know what all the codes mean.  just the ones you need to index.  but now i'm so curious.  they even take note of the materials the houses were made of.  and what the plumbing was like and how far to water.  this was 2008 and the records i was indexing had families living in houses made of sticks and mud with dirt floors and water 30 minutes away.  going to the bathroom in the 'bush'.  that's cray.  


Jeannie said…
I like what you told your future Lalita. It did me good too. I suppose when there is a famine of blogging I should go back and read some of your old ones too. I missed years of them.
katie said…
Massadje is from Liberia. I’m sure she lived in circumstances like the that. And I can’t believe Izzy!! You are more patient with then I would be.
I love the Holland quote. It is a truth that is good to remember.