twitterpated with myself

 after 7 months of a broken bra, i finally bought a new one.  i wore it yesterday and i have to say that my boobellas looked great.  thursday was the day.  i went to work and got my free flu shot and felt great about that.  i stopped for a little chat with barb and others and made everyone say what their love language was.  i stopped at value village to buy a navy sheet to make a cape for mari's last day at work. and i drove out to surrey to buy a bra.  

there were two bras that i liked.  one was the same as my old one just slightly more blue. a common every day casual bra. a tshirt bra.  the other was a dove grey silky with purply/maroon flowers on it, plunge and push, if you know what i mean. a sexy bra.  "i'll get both!" i said to myself in the changeroom.  then i looked at their price tags.  silky sexy was 70 something dollars.  navy comfy was 60 something.  i sat down with a thud of shock on the padded changing room bench.  how they dare.  

i also tried on some jeans and tops.  the tops were all tshirts with ridiculous prices.  almost 50 dollars for a tshirt?? no.  fat women unite.  there was one on clearance that was 38 dollars.  no.  my name is no.  my number is no.  you need to let it go!  so having zero pants, i was in great need.  i feared that i had gone up in size but after trying on the new size and then my old size i was gratified to know that i was still the same size.  also i was reminded of how i love tight legs on jeans.  snuggards.  light weight snuggards.  i bought a dark bluey wash that had an interesting hem.  it was the cheapest.  the deal in the store was buy one get one free so i got comfy navy at half price--the price she should have been and i left silky sexy plungy pushy behind.  i mean who's kidding who.

yesterday was mari's last day so i went to work at 11 to do the honours of his last day.  we put his cape on him, watched his tear jerker slide show, had cupcakes with little signs on them that said mean things on them like "good luck finding better coworkers!".  after lunch i stayed at work because there was an after work at work party and why go home.  the mood in the unit was festive.  lots of laughs and talks.

after work we went upstairs and we ordered pizza and ate more cupcakes and some people had drinks, and we talked and laughed and talked and laughed.  it was very nice.  i was in the last group to leave.  i can't believe mari won't be with us anymore.  i have really come to rely on him during the pandemic work life time.

i hired andi.  she was one of colin's new staff and started at pathways the day after we shut down due to covid.  she is also a friend of j9's since high school and i think they will work well together.  j9 is youth and andi is young adults.  so, yeah.

this morning a spent a couple of hours in bed reading this blog.  old posts.  i think the greatest benefit of this blog is to me.  first the good it does me to write it and second the good it does me to read it.

i didn't get out of bed until 11 which greatly offended izzy.  had popcorn and spicy fruit out on the porch for my 'brunch' and had a study time with alma 5.  sad  to report that the windstorm carried off pascale's babelett.  i found the empty plant pot in the garden below my balcony but no babelett to be seen.

some old phone pics i found circa 2014/15.  wuuut.  how do i never see how beautiful i am at the time that i am?

this one...


Jeannie said…
Yes, you are stunningly gorgeous if I do have to say so myself.