lost day

i lost most of today.  it happens sometimes like that.  a super fab productive day followed by a lost day. yesterday i rode the wave of productivity and happily spent hours doing laundry while listening to swedish podcasts and going through my mountain of dusty jewelry.  i wiped it down, winnowed out the unused and put everything in it's place.  wiped down the dresser top.  sneezed a lot.

went for a walk during golden hour.  i took maybe 5 pics with my camera before i realized there was no memory card in place.  haha.

prepared overnight oats with cocoa, cocoa nibs, and the last scrapings of peanut butter.

had a zoom planning meeting with the young women.

i had a good long sleep.  i didn't even wake up until 9.  i got up fully intent on starting my day with study and going out to get a new bra.  i really know how to have a vacation.  but instead ended up in a conversation with a friend that took me back to old sad stories.  do you find that when you speak your sadnesses that you relive them?  that seems to happen to me.  after the call i got lost in old times. i cried.  i can still cry about it. but it doesn't mean i haven't moved on.  i'm moving on all the time.  but life cycles back sometimes and i'm learning all the time things i didn't understand then.  and seeing more clearly can be more painful.  it's cryptic i know.  but that's how i lost a day.  i didn't surface until 6pm. i was still in my pjs.

took my recycling to the curb.  finally did that.  i've been meaning to for over a month.  got my clothes out of the dryer.  ordered subway.  studied out on the porch but i was in the dark. did 30 minutes of home care. today it was the last of the pots, cleaning the stove and sweeping all the floors.

that's all i can say for myself.  tomorrow will be a new day.


Jeannie said…
I listened to a grieving counsellor once and she said that grieving was like that. You have to go through it. And then you move forward but then you will cycle through it again and again. Kind of makes you realize that the divine being we are and are becoming is a conglomerate of all we have gone through. And it is fascinating to think how we are interconnected and how much way influence each other. That is why Zion is so beautiful.