Heavenly Father's art

 as a woman with curly hair, it's important for me that others are made aware of the wet length of my hair.  wet length is the hidden length and i feel it's my true accomplishment as a human hair growing machine.  that is to say, i've washed my hair and feeling the wet smack of it way down on my mid back ( i have long back btw fyi) makes me proud.  i say to myself what i want to hear, "way to go! your hair is longer than it looks and you grew it! so proud of you!"

rob doesn't come to clubhouse anymore.  but he still calls me sometimes.  one time he told me that he now has a pet turtle named harold.  i refused to believe him until i saw it with my own eyes.  we made a deal. we made a plan.  the plan was he would bring harold to pathways outside, where his comfort zone is, and call me and i would go out on the balcony and say hi and witness harold's existence.  i didn't know for sure if rob would follow through but sure enough on the day decided upon, i ran out to the balcony before afternoon unit meeting and there he was sitting on a bench playing his ukelele.  i couldn't totally tell from above if it was him, but then i saw a little green turtle on the sidewalk by his feet.  "hi!" i yelled.  he looked up "fly girl!" he called holding up harold.  then he sang me a song as he played the ukelele "laura ann clarke, you are Heavenly Father's art, i'm sorry for being an old fart..."  haha.  i don't remember the other lines.  so rob.

i uninstalled tiktok.  it's for the best. some people, like me, go hard or go home.  partake in moderation is not my m/o.  sometimes i wish it was.  sometimes i wish i was one of those nibble on one square of  dark chocolate for a whole week type of people.  but i'm not.  my kind of 'savouring' is with my mouth full, smeared on my face and running down my arms and probably some in my hair too..  that kind of feast can be a joy.  but sometimes i can't leave the table.  it's two sides of the same coin.  so basically with these facinating metaphors i'm just saying abstaining is the answer for some things like candy crush and tik tok apparently.  fast or be eaten by what you were eating.

i noticed on the weekend that walking down 171 st and down 0 ave with my cooler at a very very slow pace left me out of breath and sweaty. even after doug took my cooler which he did almost every time.  i need to walk more, i told myself for the umpteenth time since the start of corona. this morning i brushed my teeth and watered the plants at the same time.  don't wanna brag but it's the truth.  then i just lumbered down the stairs and took myself for a morning walk.  just 25 minutes.  i was going so slow but huffle-puffling.  ok.  it's really time for more walks.  after my walk i did a few stretches on the porch with  my yoga mat.  

it was dad's birthday celebration this weekend.  at peace arch.  more about that later. i took a pics with dad series.  i just started editing them.  i felt a little emotional while editing them.  i feel like they are important pics.

one day last week i was praying and crying on the porch and hummingbird came.  she took her time with the fuchsia then she hovered right above my forehead flashing her rosy throat patches and perched on the twinkly lights for a minute or two before flitting off on the air highway up and over the trees and out of sight. i can't decide whether she sees me adversarially or friendly-like.  i chose friendly and quell any anxiety around her.



Jeannie said…
Pics with pops are priceless!
I think you mistakenly missed getting one with the muffin.
Jeannie said…
Got to love Rob for recognizing Heavenly Father's art.
Laura said…
yeah i did miss one with muffin. i didn't take any at all on sunday. i guess that is why.