
 tik tok has become a problem.  it's what you call a high dopamine activity.  i found a lot of good and interesting content and learned some interesting things.  but my living was dwindling to nothing and i didn't feel good inside.  after losing about 5 hours to it on friday night i knew something had to change.  while i was saying my prayers i had an idea--inspiration? to have an instagram and tik tok fast this weekend.  it felt right.  my truth body said yes yes yes.  so that's what i did.  what a difference.  the biggest thing is peace in my heart and a general feeling of wellness.  plus i got a lot done.  i swept all the rooms.  i edited all my powell river pics, wrote a beast of a blog post on the trip and read.  i don't want to spook reading but i'm sure glad to have reading back in my life.  shhh...don't spook it.

speaking of tik tok i found this lady on there who talks to her body and asks it stuff and loves and respects and forgives it and asks for the body's forgiveness and explicitly thanks it in language for the things it does.  i was quite fascinated by her content.  she shared this affirmation, "i know who i am in truth. i know what i am in truth. i know how i serve in truth. i am free. i am free. i am free." i don't know exactly what she means by each of those statements, but when she said i am free. i am free. i am free, i shed a tear.  i've thought about affirmations off and on.  i know it's good to say good things to myself and sometimes i catch my eye in the mirror and say something funny or tender but on the whole i don't really practice it.  i think it's good though.  so this morning i was sitting on the deck reading over the sacrament prayers waiting for the hutchinsons to come over and give me the sacrament and i had this thought, the sacrament prayers are kind of like affirmations. the hutchinsons came and went and after they went i searched up other affirmations in the scriptures and noted the references of  some of my favourites.  after zoom testimony meeting, i put my headphones on and put on my favourite sunday playlist, went out to the deck and spent some blissful hours writing out the scriptural affirmations decorating them with my water colour pencil crayons.  the sun shone in, bees buzzed in and out, hummingbird came and went, ants passed on their ant highway.  so now i have a collection of scriptural affirmations.  i think i might experiment and start a practice of saying them every day.  see what happens.


Jeannie said…
I am intrigued. Can't you share what they are?