
 aaaaaaaah...i just came out of a bout of hysterics.  like just now.  the after-laughing-so-hard-you-can't-breathe-cry is still lodged in my throat.  i was laughing so hard and so out of control that i actually had this thought in the back of my mind "i could asphyxiate on my funnies and die here alone flailed out on my love seat and who would fine me?" because asthma ok.  laughing that hard is a full on body squeeze fight for breath and you don't know when it will end.  oh.  my face hurts. so good.  

i was watching a comedy special on netflix.  it was ok but i was getting antsy for the ending and then kapow!  he ended with the stuff that killed me (almost).

worked from home today.  i noticed that even the computer screen was a bit blurry so basically i was reading glasses laura all day. it was a big topic at unit meetings.  everyone decided that i looked like meryl streep.  that's funny because joe, a member, has been telling me that i look like meryl streep for years.  i never thought that i could really be her doppelganger!  call me meryl ok.  haha. 

this morning i did a 10 minute yoga routine.  actually i think 10 minutes is generous, but ok, it's something. it helped me realize how dirty the bottoms of my feet are--my yoga mat had all these dirt smudges on it after.  how could they be that dirty? i literally go nowhere.  i don't know but maybe it's time to wash the floor again....or call me crazy--my feet.

i like this time, the days before the publication comes out.  putting it all together--it's so fun.  time flies as i edit articles and format pages and pick colours and figure out the flow of the topics and put the photos in...and cajole those last minute people for their articles and so on.  two of my staff, mireya and suzanne both celebrated their 20 work anniversary this year. of course that's news so i'm including it in the n&v, so i asked them to answer these questions that i sent them.  i got suzanne's back today and it made me cry.  we love our jobs.

ok night.


Jeannie said…
And that made me cry. You all are doing a great work.