46 and feeling blessed

as covid birthdays go, i had a lovely birthday.  i received many presents.

the first one was a text from jane around 8:30 am saying norm and billy (my ministering brothers, her husband and son) had made me cinnamon buns and they were going to drop them off at my door at 9.  i waited by my window and filmed billy coming up the stairs and they sang to me a little self-consciously from the yard.   the cinnamon buns (there were 6) were wrapped up in fun bright wrapping paper and there was a pretty card of a water coloured kind of peacock that melts across the page and an 'auspicious knot' tassel in hot pink, for luck and joy. 

layne gifted me with a call.  we talked for over an hour. that was such a great gift to get on the morning of my 46th.

many people gifted me with well wishes and greetings throughout the day.  isolation really highlights for me that it feels good to be remembered.

i was expecting a rainy drear day and what a gift to have such a gorgeous day given to me for my birthday.  there were some big clouds that sun came in and out of but mostly it was out.  mom and dad said it rained in abbotsford and amy said it rained on pender...so it looks like i was in the sweet spot.  the birthday spot.

heather gave me the most delicious meal of a flight of bao from bao down, some churros and ice cream and a smore bao and a lime jarrito.  we ate in her side garden. she had tv trays out, 2 meters apart and mine had a little jar of clipped flowers from the garden.  the sun shone directly down on me in a glorious way, and the air was light full of little breezes and bird songs.  i thought i should have an adventure like i usually like to do but in the end what felt good and right was to stay in the garden, lay on the grass and spend time together talking and laughing.  loved this gift.

heather also gave me blackberry ginger balsamic vinegar from a company in whistler.  she knows the kinds of things i love and i love vinegars, haha,  it's true.  blackberry ginger?  hello!  she also gave me a pretty little square plate for putting jewelry and stuff on.  it's colourful and has a owl wearing a crown in the middle.  love it.

today was my day to go in to work and mireya dropped by to get some things and she brought me some orange double furled tulips that i love.  and a strawberry cream pie.  today dave, jimmy, lydia , mary and j9 were in the building so i shared it with them all at lunch.

i'd write more, but i'm so tired and i'm using my birthday as a chance to re-set so i'm getting back to bed early, like around 10 and it's 10 now.  i just wanted to quickly record the blessings of my birthday.


Happy happy birthday!! It sounds like your birthday was full of lots of special, meaningful moments. You have amazing siblings, coworkers and friends. Delicious food is an important part of a great birthday, and I'm glad you had it!
Jeannie said…
I'm trying to figure out how you had such a leisurely morning, such as enjoying cinnamon buns, talking for an hour on the phone, and a leisurely lunch with Heather and yet still went to work. How does that work? You were given many gifts, (btw you forgot to mention the serenade you got from your parents and the pleasant chat as you drove home through Vancouver with the ones who ultimately gave you the gift of life).
But what I wanted to say is that you have many gifts. The gift of living in the present moment and relishing it. The gift of enjoying and appreciating other people. The gift of generosity. The gift of knowing how to celebrate. And the gift of being able to share it all in your blog. Very gifted. And BTW you're welcome that I went through pregnancy carrying all 9 lbs of you up Mount Hazleton, delivering you, and raising you to adulthood. I consider it one of my most worthwhile endeavours and congratulate myself frequently.
Laura said…
ha ha mom, i had the day off! work on my birthday?? unthinkable! thanks for your generosity in naming my gifts and in giving me the big L (life) and an infinity of gifts unnamed.