
i've been consumed with my work.  there is so much to do.  i feel like there is so much to tell and no way really to explain it.  we have been transitioning to work mostly from home with staff rotating coming in once or twice a week to help with making and delivering food to those who need it.  i don't know what my job should be called right now--it's kind of like communications director.  making our clubhouse virtual online with content and programs that our community can participate in.  facilitating that takes up a lot of my time.  we have moved to various chat groups to communicate.  i have 5 different groups all work that i chat in.  it's a lot of chatting.  at the end of one day i just started sending voice clips because i was so tired of texting.  in all of this stress and uncertainty my pathways family has stayed supportive, connected, and weird and funny.  i appreciate this group of people i am privileged to work with.  i love them. they are an odd quirky group and they serve our community with their big big hearts and a lot of hard work.  i have always felt blessed to work at pathways (even though it stole my youth) but now i am see those blessings through a different perspective.  i am so blessed. 

like many people during this time i feel a need to step away from the computer and get outside and do something active.  sometimes for me that's just sitting on my porch watching the park or looking at the puffy clouds or listening to the rain.  i also started going for little walks just around my neighbourhood.  i call them my mindfulness walks.  i just notice all the small details and beauties around me, the noises and the smells.  it's good.

should be warning...

this is my favourite one.


John said…
Love the mindfulness walks. I am going to copy that
Jeannie said…
I love mindful walks too and as usual I am blown away by your photography. You do have a beautifully fulfilling job and you are so good at it. I'm quite certain that the spridecor amongst those you work with has a lot to do with you being apart of it.
Jeannie said…
The photo "water" is amazing. You are an artist.