
i keep telling myself that isolation is just every day life for me.  just normal status quo.  but it isn't really.  i still had church, and young women's and work and occasional meet ups with friends.  now it's home and 1 or 2 ghost town days at work.  it's differnt nuff.

my isolation projects so far have not been what you would expect.  jordan and katie each individually made sourdough bread.  i applied moisturizer on the dry bony patch below each of my knees a couple times a day.  people are being crafty, inventing hilarious games and being creative.  i bought snacks and filmed myself eating them. people hang out on their balconies and share music, dancing and exercise with each other while keepin their physical distance.  i soaked my feet for 3 hours and scrubbed 20 layers of dead skill cells off my ankles...and applied moisturizer.  you see the pattern.  but hey my feet went from the feet of an egyptian mummy caked with the dust of the ages, grey and gritty and crusted--to fresh pink vital bricks that bear me up day in and day out.

staying home--working from home and staying's not an easy adjustment.  i need to tweak my system.  right now i don't have a system except work whenever i think about it--which is all the time.  so i'm working a lot.  and i don't feel too good.  also that's because i stayed up super late because my timing is just out of wack...whack.  so i'm thinking about it and what i can do to create a space and time for work and a space and time for other things.  the thing is that i know myself.  i'm open to opportunities in the moment and i'm adaptable and flexible (not in body)  and those are gifts and i don't want to smoosh them with too much structure and rules about what i can do when.  but on the other hand being open and flexible can make it so i just keep saying yes to and start drowning in a sea of my own possibilities.  i recognize that structure can give space to be the other me's.  not just work me.  so i don't know.  i'll think about it more.  just talking about it here helps me to be more aware of it.  so thanks for being my sounding board.

i'll close with a jewel moment i had the other day.  i escaped the house to bring the garbage out.  i was going down the stairs.  it was a drizzly day.  suddenly i stopped.  the air smelled so so so so sweet.  so delicious.  so magical and fresh and fragrant.  i relish moments like that.

 i relish.  relish should be my verb for the isolation period.  i like it better than mold and stagnate.

my new downstairs neighbours moved in yesterday.  their names are alvin and emma and i'm pretty sure they have a little kid. 


Jeannie said…
That is the neatest picture ever. Yes, organization and schedules can be very helpful in accomplishing our goals, but don't worry, they don't have to be set in stone. And you can always break them when you have to and then get back into the routine again. It's the art of holding tight and hanging loose. It's what we women need to do to fulfill our rules in life as women.
Jeannie said…
To fulfil our roles.😡