day? what is a day?

i'm bored.  i'm bored of everything.  i'm bored of the way my bum feels on this couch.  i'm bored of boreidom.

today i had a shower.  this is news.  i had a shower and left my hair wet.  i had a shower and left my hair wet and put on a skirt, did my make up and put on earrings.  i sat out on the porch and zoomed in to our ward's fast and testimony meeting.  the bishop and his family kept disappearing into a virtual temple.  it took a while for some ladies to figure out the audio.  we sang how firm a foundation.  i could only hear the music--no voices. i sang an octave lower because i can.  i went inside because it was too chilly with wet hair. gradually we found our way.  gradually it became a real meeting.  it was nice to see everyone--all in their family groups or alone like me.  laughing at the same things, sharing and responding. morgan wolsey is home from his mission.  it was nice to see that he seems to be a man.  that feels weird to say.  but it's the first thing i observed.  

this has happened to me before.  all my miamaids are in their 30s now, older than i was when i was their young women's leader.  now the primary kids are going to university and coming home from missions.  it's weird.  i have this feeling in life that everyone moves on and i stay the same.  i know i'm not exactly the same. i have more grey hair, more pounds, more life experience.  but i am kind of the same too.  life is weird.

i went grocery shopping yesterday.  i've never spent so much on food.  isolation is all about the foods.  most people in the grocery store were very careful about staying away from each other.  we did the grocery store dance.  i waited what seemed like eternity for a couple to move away from the spices so i could grab some cinnamon.  i wanted to make snickerdoodles but there was no flour on the shelves.  however i was successful finally in finding paper towel.  it was was the 2nd to last package on the shelf.  since it is the season of the barf with izzy, i am very grateful.  the line up i was in...all 2 meters apart...was in an aisle with interesting snacks.  because of this i picked up mango pudding cups, and russian marshmallows in shell shape.  i'll be instagramming my 'isolation snacks'.  my public needs me.

on friday i was live on facebook doing shout outs.  it was an idea i had to celebrate all the positives we achieved last week.  now i feel dead inside.

i found a show called zoe's extraordinary playlist.  it's about this girl who is going through an mri during an earthquake and all of a sudden she can hear people's thoughts but only through songs that they sing and dance to her.  it's pretty funny.

my hair dried really nicely.  my curls look delectable.  but tomorrow they'll be crushed.  that's just the way life is.


Anonymous said…
I know what you mean about boredom! I also know what you mean when you talk about feeling like everyone else is changing and you feel the same (but not the same). I'm grateful for your blog. I'm grateful for how honest you are about how you feel/think about things. I'm grateful I've been blessed with a friend as awesome, loving, funny, sharing, thoughtful, caring, and giving as you! I may have to join Instagram just to see Snacks with Laura!

Laura said…
aww thanks h! please do join! it's fun!
Jeannie said…
This post merited a private comment so I sent you an email. Love you
Karey said…
I am enjoy snacks with Laura. I started watching Zoey as well but totally forgot about it till i read it on here. I'll have to find id again.