a curly mullet.

so many barfs so little time.  for yea it was a time of barfs and the barfs were exceedingly plenteous. "barfing is my hobby" purred izzy as she stretched languidly, turned in a circle, wretched, and then curled up in a ball of vibrating fur--yes--a fur sack.

"you ain't nothing but a fur sack, barfing all the time!", sang elvis to izzy.  she flicked her tail and tucked her head deeper into her cattabun position.

maria and i are doing a photo challenge together.  every day there are prompts.  today the prompt was 'sweet'.  we are inviting all the cousins who want to join.  our hashtag is #inatimeofcorona.  i had to eat my ice cream just so i would have a sweet subject.

 i sat out on my porch in the sun.  it was lovely. the weather lately has been divine hasn't it?  it was 12 degrees.  double digits!

today at work suzanne shocked us all by saying her bf said they were going to limit our domestic travel to 100km.   i was like wuuuuuuut.  that's only out to abbotsford!  but then she found out that that is just the internet gossip her bf was reading.  not official stuff.  there is so much worry and fretting.  today we were all a lot more careful to sit far apart from each other.  barb kept telling us all day "we shouldn't be here".  so.  i don't know what will happen.  on the one hand we are setting up a facebook page for member reach out and planning content and structure and connection activities and a food delivery service to those who need it. and on the other hand there are people who think we should not be coming in to work at all.  we'll see what happens.

meanwhile i'm cleaning up cat barfs and giving myself curly mullets.



John said…
Love the Mullet!