the wack life and times

i also took my recycling to the curb.  that's the step that i most often ignore.  feeling the smugness of accomplishment.  you might say as amy, "i ate a duck".

this weekend was...non.  i refuse to explain.  at work i've been trying to implement a daily newscast.  we film daily and show our film at lunch time.  just clubhouse news and announcements and little bits.  it's a really great way to create urgency because there is a deadline.  and it is a different fun kind of work and there are lots of ways for people to be involved.  but i am failing.  i keep hitting frustrating road blocks.  first it was not knowing how to edit the videos.  so we would film our news anchors, the weather bit and other bits and then not be able to produce them.  then i finally got trained on the video editing.  it's not too hard.  then we had computer problems.  ugh.  it was so frustrating.  i left work on friday with a build up of frustration and no outlet. 

friday night it was our ward's turn to clean the temple. i went with evelyn, rob and leilani.  we had nice chats on the way there.  i felt gratified to find newer and larger cleaning clothes at the temple.  last time what i found barely fit me and i was feeling super reluctant for a repeat experience.  i cleaned the washrooms and change rooms again. caleb's parents were the organizers.  his dad dealt the cleaning cards.  we also had fun going around and oooohing and awwwing over the new paintings that are up in the temple now.

leilani went home with junko since they live so close together.  evelyn rob and i went to wendy's and had burgers and frosties.  that's when evelyn started telling me the story of her two childhood friends who were born in canada but moved back to greece as young adults.  mary and vicky.  vicky was a travel agent and married late in life and has one son.  mary married a guy she met on the ferry who turned out to be a good for nothing and she has 4 kids, the youngest is named socrates.  the middle two are twins and one of them recently got in trouble with the law because of drugs... anyways there were a lot of stories but my favourite was later when we moved on to evelyn's family and greece and how she stayed with one couple and the wife started screaming and screaming because she saw a mouse and the husband just came out with a rifle and shot it.  it both impressed and scared evelyn.  it makes me chuckle. i can see that scene in a movie or something. 

i got to bed just after 12.  i was so tired.  i'm always tired these days.  saturday i spent most of the day in a catatonic state, zoning out and listening to music and doing logic puzzles.  i barely stirred most of the day.  time just slipped over and past me.  i was a cobweb in the corner. 

i didn't sleep until five thirty am.  i missed ward council where it was my turn to pick the hymn finally. but i made it to church.  i was late so i waited in the lobby.  a man came and sat down. he said his name was joviii.  but he pronounced it jovid.  but he made sure i knew there were 3 i's.  he looked east asian in origin.  he said he asked his indian friend for an indian name.  he told me many things.  like he likes people from india because they are quick thinkers and tall.  "tall?" i asked.  then he started telling me weird things like martians who built colonies under the earth's surface--they were tall. bella, one of my young women was on the couch too.  she was on her phone but kept giving him side glances and her and i exchanged a few meaningful glances.  ailah, who was baptized last week, gave the lesson this week.  the lesson was on temples.  she did a really amazing job.

i came home, made a mango ginger pineapple smoothie, did a few duolingo lessons and had a nap.  well...let's be honest it was more than a nap.  i think it was 5 hours.  around 5 hours lets say. i woke up around 5 thirty and at first i didn't really know where i was.  you know what that's like.  my sleeping is so wack since i've been off the cpap.  i'm greatful that i can get some sleep with the mouth guard but it also makes it less urgent to deal with.  and my days are just so busy at work that i don't have a single moment when the cpap crosses my mind.  no, oh i should call about the cpap.  and if i ever do think of it i think how will i pay for it and then i blink and it's the weekend and it isn't open on the weekends and on goes my life. 
