now you know

it was a good full day.  in the morning i helped the food n fun peeps out by doing one of the grocery shops.  i was back by 10:30.  i worked on editing articles that are starting to come in for the march edition of news and views.  at lunch time i helped out as a trouble shooter.  we are all squished into the front area of our floor now because renovations are beginning at the back half.  well.  the movers were there today packing up all the stuff.  so that makes the front area very busy.  i went between karim who was editing an article for me, to michael who i helped call his landlady about mice and get a physio appointment, to the script for the daily news report that we are doing now.  i'm not going to lie, it was kind of fun.  then i had to get anchors for the news and a script holder, and film them, then film the weather guy and a group of people coughing into their 'cough pocket' haha.  a cough pocket is your elbow.  only yours and none else.  then i was began to edit the videos and put them all together for showing tomorrow. 

i stayed a bit late showing hope how to do the different video editing things that i had learned.  while we were doing that the fire alarm went off.  they were having a social on the floor above and had cooked some burgers without turning the fan on.  so we stood outside in the freezing cold waiting for the fire truck to come and it never came.  so we called them and we were like "come" and they came and turned off our alarm and told us to have fun at the movies and that our burgers looked awesome.  and i went back to the 3rd floor and finished up on some videos and suddenly it was time for young womens and i rushed to the church and joined in on the activity which was making inspirational booklets.  ailah, our new member was able to join us and we had all together 5 girls which is so many for us.

bro. siryani brought me an 18x24 poster frame from his wife evelyn for my morocco pic.  my morocco pic is 16x24 but it works.  it works! but first bro suryani suggested i decopage my pic right onto the wall. that's called a man suggestion.  the bishop suggested i get his wife to mount it for me.  that is also called a man suggestion.

today i wore my pink and black and neon yellow plaid blouse that everyone loves.  i also wore one side of my hair up in a half pony.  i also had pink and yellow eye shadow. and solid pink circle earrings.  now you know.


Jeannie said…
Where did you come from? You are irrepressible. BTW I meant to tell you that I absolutely love that photo as well. It is absolutely stunning. Are you beginning to feel embarrassed about hogging all these talents?