single ladies

all the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies! uh oh oh, oh oh oh....

i was laying in bed this morning adding songs to my 2020 playlist and my ears tuned in to a sound it hadn't heard in a long time.  birds.  not just any birds.  but the tweeting cacophony birds that spent the summer in a nest in the roof above the drainpipe outside my bedroom window! i turned off spotify and crept to the window.  the blinds were down.  i slowly and gingerly inched the slats open and there on the crook of the drain pipe was a fluffy tweeter tweeting the song of its people...which are not people but birds.  all this was a matter of seconds.  i blinked and there was only what i imagined was a slight stirring of air where fluffy tweeter once was perched.

from my living room window i saw that the icy snowy world of last night was a drippy world of today and the birds were out and about flitting and pecking and flitting some more. a black swoop of a crow, a white and grey scree of a seagull gliding against the steel grey of the sky.  the tiny to and fro flit of a chickadee dee dee in and amongst the mossy branches of the maple tree, coming in and out of focus and the nervous flight and land and flight and land of the fluffy tweeters.  i got out my birding binoculars and dusted them off...  i'm ready for the birds.  but where were they before?  i realized from my neighbour fluffy tweeter that one of them sound like a hundred of them.

speaking of my ears...i have what appears to be a tiny ear zit not far from my piercing in my chubby lil earlobe.  i discovered it yesterday while playing with my lobes as one does.  i was pulling on them and checking the piercing hole for any stray crusties, again as one does do, right?, and noticed an extra bump. well i wanted to see it so i did a selfie video of it and then made a weird face, labeled it earlobe zit and posted it on my insta story because why not.

later last night i got this message from fatima:
"this story was the talk of our evening.  Daman announced hey did you see Laura's earlobe zit? I was like hu. G then obvi needed to view"

haha. i'm very pleased to have fans of my instagram stories. the G in question is 4 year old samah.

last night i was invited to a chinese new years dinner at the hutchinson's.  norm and billy are my ministering brothers.  jane is always urging norm to be a minister. haha.  they live just around the corner from me.  tracy and fiona were also invited. before i left i was engaged in a long texting and sometimes yelling hang up phone call battle with jordan regarding my official status as #toolegitlaura2020 .  (more on that to come).  the point is that i was neglecting my warmth.  i let the blankets sag and my arms were bare and i was getting colder and colder  and colder until i was very very cold and i had 20 minutes before i left so i climbed shivering into my bed and pulled the fluffy silky fleece over me and the heavy duvet over top and folded myself into a shivering hulk underneath.  izzy came in for a rare under the covers cuddle.  and we spent 15 minutes like that before izzy emerged from the dark cave and a few minutes later i had the courage to follow her.  it's moments like this that allow me to have some empathy for people who are always cold.  feeling cold is relatively rare for a hottie like me.  yes i mean hottie both ways.  i pulled on my heavy gold cardie, thanks to sarah for giving me a heavy one christmas, and my new coat that's sweatshirt material and my runners.  my bad foot really hurts these days.  i think it's because i have to wear my runners every day in the snow and my runners somehow feel like they stretch my foot out and that feels like it is tearing my arch.  i don't know.  anyways i gingerly limped down the icy stairs and grabbed my fluffy hot pink fleece blanket mitts and warm and luxiouriously long navy scarf with bright colour flecks perfect scarf from heather from inside sahib, wrapped myself up, stuffed my hands in  and shuffled over the icy packed snow road that glittered in the night.  i made it safely to the sidewalk and started down it, in wonder at how completely clear it was with no ice and even the gutters were shoveled.  what a do gooder street i said to myself in awe.

tracy and fiona were already there.  tracy had offered to pick me up but i was like, i can literally walk there in less than five minutes. and she was like oh yeah, i forgot how close you were.  as soon as i arrived we went to the table.  i sat beside billy and tracy sat at the end, fiona across from me and jane beside her, norm at the 'head'.  they have a weird formula for who says the prayer.  like it's a math formula that i don't get.  "16-15 is 1 so it's mom" said billy.  "it's me again?" said jane, then she said the blessing and after we were all what was that formula??  they explained it but i still don't get it.  it all boils down to they each say a prayer at one time during a day but which prayer it is differs....complicated to me but seemed simple to them.

we had edamame, rice, lamb and onions, bean sprouts, and bbq ribs.  we had lots of talk.  after dinner we went to the living room and sat and talked and had cookies and chocolates and fruit and tea and lots of talk.  i was thinking about it this morning, between tracy, fiona and i there was a LOT of talk and i was thinking i don't think norm or jane or billy said that much.  and then i was like...single ladies!  single ladies need talk outlets. i mean i think fiona would be super chatty no matter what but still single ladies.  that was probably the best service our ministering brothers could have done for us.  not that any of us are lonely ladies.  well i am sometimes, but i have lots of people in my life and the others do too and careers and full lives but still.  single ladies need to talk.  i think so. the hutchinsons got earfulls.  we started at 6:30 and when we left, thanks to tracy for starting that process, it was almost 10pm.  before we left i got billy to do the instagram challenges i've been getting people to do lately.  he easily did one and jane did it too.  you lay on the ground face down with your arms behind your back and stand up without getting on your side.  it's entertaining to watch.

i leave you with this legit text convo between jordan and i:


Jeannie said…
Actually all ladies need to talk. Husbands notoriously lack good listening skills. Hence ministering Brothers visit whole families. Ministering sisters two on one. And if that isn't enough opportunity they also get a chance to be a ministering sister and visit two-on-one with several others. We need to talk. And that's what makes the world go round.