in the throws

today i parted the hair curtain and had one side half pony and wore my new green triangle earrings.  my whole outfit was basically a tribute to type threes in a way that only a type one could do if you know what i mean.  i wore my cargo pants and my snake skin tshirt that says love in gold and my purple holie cartegan.  i put some bronzy goldy powder on my red lips.  it's just what i did.  i told barb who asked me about it "make up is just play for me."  it's true. what's the point unless it's fun?  mack told me that my make-up always matches my clothes.  i know you aren't supposed to do that but i can't help it.  what i'm wearing inspires my make up choices.  mack and j9 said they do their make-up before they are dressed.  well i just cannot account for weirdos  and their weird habits i said and then i shoved them each in the stomach.  and they both simultaneously let out guttural "huah!"s.  mack got full time work so she's leaving us but she is working in the residential towers behind us so we still may see her which is cool.

i'm deep in the throws of putting our publication together.  well i'm receiving all the articles now and making sure they are edited and getting pics etc and feeling dread in my stomach because i haven 't started putting it all together with the formatting and i want to publish on monday.  dun dun DUN.  i may or may not fail.  wish me luck.

i haven't done my laundry since december 19.  mom says i won't be ready when the call comes for zion.  she may have a point.  i have altogether too many dishes and too many underoos.  i'm having some sort of laundry block. it's gotta end some time. don't judge me.  have compassion.

ps. i do duolingo to practice my swedish and i've become super competitive.  i do more and more and more lesson just to stay 2nd or 3rd on the leader board and if i see someone coming up after me i do more and more and more lessons to get ahead.


Jeannie said…
Didn't know you had the competitive Gene!